Thomas Hoe of Long Clawson Will 1639
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1639/161
In the name of god Amen I Thomas Hoe thelder of Claxton als Clawson in the Countie of Leicester yeoman being sicke and weake in bodie but of good perfect memorie praised be god Now revokeing all former and other wills and testamts before this time by me made doe make and ordeyne this my last will and Testamt in manner and forme followinge this one and thirtieth day of October in the yeare of our Lord god, one thousand six hundred thirtie eight
First and principallie I bequeath my soule to Almightie god, the maker and redeemer thereof, trusting in him onely to be saved through a lively faith in Christ Jesus and my bodie to the earth from whence it came to be buried in the church yard of Claxton als Clawson aforesaid
And for my worldlie goods wherewith it hath pleased god to blesse me I dispose and bequeath in manner following
Itm I give and bequeathe unto my loveing wife Margaret Hoe all my howsehold stuffe, beddes, bedding, pewter, brasse and all other my howsehold goods and ymplemts whatsoever moveable to bee at her free disposeinge
Item my will and minde is that my said Loveing wife shall have her tableinge in meate drinke apparrell washeing & other maintenance fitting and convenient for a woman of her age and condicon dureing her naturall life all at the charge and cost of my sonne and heire Thomas Hoe whome I make executor of this my last will & testamts And alsoe my will further is that my said wife shall live together with my said sonne Thomas Hoe
And further my will is that my said sonne Thomas Hoe shall pay yearely to his mother Margaret Hoe my said wife twentie shillings dureing the terme of her natural life Provided alwaies that if it chance that my said wife & my sonne Thomas cannot accord in living together as before by me desired, That then my sonne & heire Thomas Hoe shall provide for his said mother a convenient house to dwell and inhabite in, and pay unto her yearely dureing the naturall life of his said mother the some of foure pounds a yeare quarterly to be paid her And alsoe the keeping … of a cowe winter and somer at the only costs of the said Thomas Hoe the younger dureing the whole life of his said mother
Itm I give to the poore of Claxton aforesaid three shillings and foure pence to be distributed at the discretion of my executor and the overseers of the poore of Claxton aforesaid
The rest of all my goods moveable and unmoveable unbequeathed after my debts paid and funerall expences discharged I give and bequeath unto the said Thomas Hoe my sonne & heires whome I make full & sole executor of this my Last will and testamt
Itm I give unto my Cozen Richard Holt, his two sonnes ether of them one sheepe hogge
Lastly I intreate the said Richard Holt and Henry Leake of Claxton aforesaid yeomen to be overseers of this my Last will & testamt giveing to ether of them for their paynes xiid apeice
In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the day & yeare above written
The marke & seale of Thomas Hoe thelder
Signed declared & published as the Last will & testamt of mee the said Thomas Hoe thelder in the presence of
Rob: Hickling
Henrie Leake
Probate 20 January 1639/40