William Holmes of Harby 1596 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/217/59
In the name of god Amen the 8 day of July Anno Dmo 1596 and in the xxxviii yeare of the Raygne of our Soveragne lady Elizabethe by the grace of god of England France and Ireland Quene deffender of the Fayth etc I Willm Holmes of Harbie in the Countey of Leicester husbandman beinge sicke of bodey but in good and perfitt remembrance thancks be to Allmyghty god do ordayne And make this my last will and testament in manner And fourme followinge
First and most principally I bequeath mye Soule into the handes of Allmighty god my Creator and redemer And my bodye be be buried in the Church yarde of Harbie aforesaid at the discretion of mye executrix
Imprimis I bequeath unto George Holmes my Sonne xxs of good and lawfull money to be payed unto hym at the discretion of Prudence Holmes his mother
Item I bequeath unto Antony and Willm my two other Sonnes to eyther of them xxs of good and lawfull money of Englande, to be payed unto them as unto theire brother George, and if it happen eyther of mye said Sonnes George Antonye or Willm to decease before their parte be payed unto them that then the part of hym so deceased shall remayne to those remayninge alive
Item I give unto my Sonne James Holmes all that my howse and land which I have within the towne Feildes and territoreys within the paryshe of Harbie after the decease of Prudence his mother
Item my will is farther that my Sonne James shall pay unto mye dawghter Katherine within the terme of two yeares next after the decease of his mother the Some of Sixe pounds xiiis iiiid of good and lawfull money of Englande
Item my will is that my Sonne James shall neyther Sell nor mortgage my house and land to any manner of person or persons whatsoever but to remayne unto the heyres of his body lawfully begotten and for deffect of such heyres then to the Sole and proper use and uses of George Holmes and his heyres forever
All the rest of my goods unbequeathed my dettes payed my funerall discharged and this my last will and testament fulfilled I give and bequeathe to Prudence my wife whome I make Sole executrix of this my last will and testament and I appoynte James Hubberde and Jhon Whtson to be supervisors of this my last will and testament and they to have for their paynes xiid
The mark of Wm Holmes
Theis being witnesses
James Hubbard
Jhon Watson [his mark]
Henry Cam
Henry Whellsley etc
Detts that ar owinge
Imprimis to Wm Butler of Langer iii li
Item to Agnis Fraunce xls
Item to Edwarde Maulson xxiiis
Probate 12 January 1596/7