John Holwell of Holwell 1543 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1543/46
In the name of god Amen In the yere of owre lord god mccccc xliii & the xvii day of Marche I Jhone Hollwell of Hollwell In the paryshe of Abkeytylebe holl of mynde & remembrance makythe this my last wyll & testament as hereafter folowythe
Fyrst I bequethe my soule to god Almyghty & to owre blessyd lade Saynte Mare & to all the holy company of heyvyne & my body to be buryd in the churche yard of Abkeytylbe
It I bequeythe to owre lade of lyncone iid
It to the hey auter iiiid
It to keytylbe chyrche a busshell of malt
It to Hollwell chapel a busshell of malt
It to Schalford churche a busshell of malte or barley
It to Jhone my sone my horsys & marys the cart & the cart garrs & the plowe & the plow garrs
It I bequethe to Wyllme my sone a cow & a pott & a pane & a fettle folle & a peyre of flaxsone sheytts & a payre of hardyne & a pelloberr & a coverled & a quarter of malt a coofare & my best gakytt
It I gyffe to Margarette my dowhter a blake quey the grytte pane & the best pott & ii porrygars iiii puter platers the best candelstyke here mothers best gowne a reyd kyrtyll iii pyere of sheytts iii of flaxsone & iii of hardene a pellobere a bord clothe a towel a beyd coveryng of gryne [?] a arke a … & a kyrchyff
It to Agnes my dowhterr a panne & a pott a possnytt a blake calffe ii porrygars iiii puter plateyrs a candellstyke nyxt the best a gone a russhytt kyrtell iii peyr of shetts iii of flaxson & iii of herdyne & a pellober or bord clothe & a towel a coverled a cofar a … a reyd cappe & a kyrchyffe
It I gyffe to Rychard my sone a peyd cowe iiii sheyppe a quarter of rye & ii quarter of malt & a peyre of sheytts a russhytt cott & ii quarter of malt more yff he … with Jhone
It I gyffe to Nycholas my sone a brone cow ii sheppe & iii quarter of corne & a peyre of sheytts & a lytyll pane ii platers & a coverled
It I gyffe Herre my sone a blake cow & ii sheyppe iii quarter of corne & a peyre of sheytts & a lytyll pane ii plateyrs a coverled
It I gyffe Alys my dowhter ii calffys & a panne a pott ii porrygare a candelstyke iiii platers ii sawcers iii peyre of sheytts iii of flaxson & iii of hardyne a pellober a bord clothe & a towel & a cofarre a gowne of wyoleytt a redy kyrtyll a redy cappe & a kyrschyffe
It I gyffe to Margarett ii sylver sponns at hure maryage yf she lyff a yere & a day
It to Agnes a peyr of beyds with all that is at theyme yff she lyff a yere & a day after hyre marryage
It to Alys one sulver spone in lyke maner
It I gyffe to every on of my dowhters a grett platere
It to Margarett a lome
It Agnes a lynone well
It I weel that there be a trentall done for me & my …
The reysydewe of my guddys I will that they be at the dyssposition & ordeyn of my executors that ys Willme Gammlls & Robt Mustone & Jhone Hurst to be supervisore of my wylle & evere of them to have for ther pennys iiis iiiid
Wyttys Robt Crosse Rychard … Thomas Bayley with other moo
Thys ys the Invyeatory of Jhone Hollwell of Hollwell precyd by … Wyllm … Jhone Hurst Robt Crosse with others moo
Fyrst ii tabells iii charrs ii forms iii stolls iii … | iiis vid |
The … & heynyng the … & … | iiiis viiid |
The potts & panns & puter | iii li iiis iiiid |
The chawendyshe the … a basyne & cadelstyks & salts | iiiis |
iii paylls 2 trenchers with other treenware | xvid |
ii sheppfatts & v lomms iii leydds & peyre of querns | xxvis |
iii beydds the … & cofars the saltine trowthe with other mo | xvis viiid |
ii matrys & bolters iii bedy hyllyngs iiii coverleyds ii blankkyts | xiis |
The sheytts with leynyng … | xls |
A gone & gakytt with other reyparyll | xxs |
iiii … of bakyne & gresse | xs |
The chymney of Yrone & the galores with other yrrone ware | xs |
The horsys & carts & the garrs | iiii li |
iiii key & iii calffs | iiii marks |
The plow & the garrs & the plow timber & iiii yrrone harrows | xiiis iiiid |
The howellys with other wood | xiiis iiiid |
iiii swyne & the polterey ware | iis |
The woll & the … | xxiiis iiiid |
xxti acres of greyne | iiii marks |
vi quarter or corne | xxs |
ix sylver sponns | xvs |
vii sheppe | xs |
vi heywys | vis viiid |
Suma total | xx li iiii & xs |