John Hopkinson of Nether Broughton 1591 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1591/72
October the 6 1680
In the name of god amen Anno domini 1591 In the xxvith daie of Marche I John Hopkinson of Neyther Broughton in the countie of Leicester husbandman weake in bodie but hole in mynde and of good & perfect remembrance do ordeyne and make this my testament conteyninge there in my last will in manner and forme followinge
Fyrst I bequeathe my soule to allmyghtie god my onely maker & redemer trustinge in his estimable mercye that he wil for his sonne christe Jesus sake accept me as … member of his bodye and amonge the number of his electe and chosen children and as conceringe my bodie I comit to the grounde from whence it came, trustinge that he will rayse yt up againe at the laste daye not acorruptible and amortall bodye as yt ys now but lyke unto the gloryous bodye of my lorde and saviour christ Jesus
Imprimus I give unto the churche of Neither Broughton xiid
It I give unto the pore mense boxe in Neither Broughton xiid
It I give unto my daughter Marie in full satisfaction of hir childs parte xiid
It I do ordayne & make my wife and Wyllyam my sonne myne executors of this my laste will and testament to be proved
It I will that my farme shalle remaine to my wife and to my sonne Wyllyame to the bringinge up of my children and my goodes to be equallye devided into three partes one parte to my wife and too parts to be devyded equallye amongest my children
The reste of my goods unbequethed my debtes payd and legacies discharged I give unto my wyfe and children
I do ordayne and make my brother Wyllyam Hopkinson of Dalbie on the Wouldes supervisor of thys my laste wyll and testament to be proved
These beinge witnesses to the same
Thomas Blacknell minnister
Willyam Hopkinson Rafe Wrighte with other mo
Probate Leicester 3 September 1591
An inventorie of all the goods and cattell as well moveable as un moveable of John Hopkinson Neither Broughton in the Countie of Leicester husbandman dissesed presed by Wyllyam Hopkinson Wyllyam Browne Rafe Wright and Roberte Teyler the xxviiith day of Maye 1591
Inprimis his purse & reperell | xs |
It vi pere of sheets | xxs |
It ii bordclothes iiii bolsters | xs |
It ii pilowes a mattres and a blanket | xs |
It iiii coverleds | xs |
It iii cofers ii bedsteds | xs |
It ix peces of peuter | xs |
It iii brasse panes & a scallet | xxxiiis iiiid |
It ii brase pots | xiis |
It ii cobbords a pen and a table a chere dishes and platters and other thinges in the house | xxs |
It all the panted clothes in the house | iiis iiiid |
It a pere of querns iiii tubs iiii peles a strike a molding borde a hempstocke | xs |
It iiii cushens and a benke clothe | is iiiid |
It iiii kie iii tow yer olds ii sters and a hefer ii yerlings ii calfes | ix li |
It ii mares and ii horses ii yerling foles | vii li |
Item ii swine | vis |
It xii geese | iiiis |
It a cocke and iiii hens | is viiid |
It ii spits a peare of cobbords and a fire irne and rekens & tonges a fire scomer a riple combe | xis viiid |
It a wollen whele and a linen whele and a wynow clothe sifves & scatles | vs |
It xvi irne stookes xxx stokes neales irne teams ii copyoks ringes & slings ii hatchets and a naxe | |
ii wymbles & other irne ware | xxiis |
Item the cart and cart gers and a weane bodie | xls |
It the plowe & plow gers and a litle timber | xs |
It iii harrowes | vis viiid |
It iii hovils and pales and other wood about the yarde and fleakes | xxxs |
It the hea and croppe on the gronde | x li |
Suma Totalis | xl li xviis |