Thomas Hopkinson of Stathern 1633 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1633/11
November 16 Ao dni 1632
Memorand that the day & yeare afore sayd Thomas Hopkinson of Statherne in the County of Leicester, labourer, being sicke of body, but (god be praysed) of whole and perfecte memory, did make a parrall or Nuncupative Will in the presence of us whose names are subscribed, in manner and forme following
First hee gave and bequeathed to Thomas Hopkinson his Eldest sonne the summe of twelve pence in money and a Hive of Bees
Item the sayd testator gave and bequeathed to his sonne John Hopkinson thirty shillings of money of England, to bee payd about Maie day next ensuing
Item the sayd Thomas Hopkinson gave to his daughter Priscilla three shillings four pence
Item hee gave & bequethed to his daughter Marie a brasse pott, and a pann, and a Bedstead
Item hee gave to his daughter Margaret a Cupboard, and a bedstead
Item hee bequeathed to John Browne and Willm Greene, his sonnes in law, to each of them twelve pence
Item the sayd defunct gave & bequeathed to Richard Hopkinson, his grand Childe, one Lambe hogg
Item all the rest of the goodes and Chattells of the sayd Thomas Hopkinson, deceased, unbequeathed, hee gave & bequeathed to Elizabeth his wife, whom hee ordayned to bee his sole Executrix of this his last will and Testament
Roger Clem [?] his marke
Alice Hanson her marke
A true and perfecte Inventorie of all the goods and Chattells of Thomas Hopkinson late of Stathorne in the Countie of Leicester Laborer deceased prized the fifth daie of December 1632 by two sufficient men viz James Rouse and Richard Patchet as followeth
Imprimis his purse apparrell and girdle | 5s |
Item 2 bedsteades and a wheele | 2s |
Item 2 Coverletts and 2 pillowes | 3s |
Item a paire of flaxen sheetes a paire of hempin sheetes & one towel | 8s |
Item a Cubboord | 6s |
Item 2 tables one barrell one Chest and one Arke | 10s |
Item 2 Cherne & kimmell 2 tubbs & one old arke | 2s |
Item 2 brasse pottes and 3 pannes | 13s |
Item 2 kine | 4 li |
Item 3 sheepe | 5s |
Item two shoats | 8s |
Item 3 hives of bees | 6s |
Item hay | 20s |
Item 2 kittes and a penne | 12d |
Item two pippins & 4 dishes | 4d |
Item 2 Reckin hookes a fireiron and a payre of tonges | 12 |
Item Coales | 12d |
Item 2 Cushions 3 or 4 Clewes of yarene a sale Ca… a little fourme with all other things about | |
the house not knowne nor remembered | 12d |
Suma totalis viii li viiis |
Probate 8 April 1633