William Hose of Harby 1600 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/221
In the name of god Amen The Fourth day of March xxxxiith yeare of the raygne of our Soveraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of England France & Ireland &c I William Hose of Harby in the countie of Leicester Husbandman being in good & perfect memorie do make my last will & testament in manner & forme following
First I bequeath my soule to Almightie God & my body to be buried in the parish church yeard of Harby aforesaid
Imprimis I give to my sonne Richard the black .. with one of the two wheat lands in Hose field
Ite I give to Agnes all the lininges except one paire of sheets for Mathew & those which my wife hath in her one custodie
Ite to Agnes one Cubbord with two chargers one …erring brasse pott the great handing kettle one kettle pane without a hingyle one litle panne one bason of brasse the best Scimmer one candlestick two fether pillowes with a boulster two coverlets of the best one excepted a covered salt foure platters two porringers
Item to my sonne Ludwicke one horse foale with a strike of barlie
Item to Mathew Bennet iis with a strike of Barley & Prudence his wyfe
Item I give to John Hose vs
Item to William Hose Ludwick sonne a ewe hogg
Item to my wyfe twentie nobles to be paid hir in such peniworths as my executor hath to paye her with three strike of corne & the wheat land in Hose field
Item all my goodes moveable unbequeathed I give to my sonne Mathew whom I make my Sole executor of this my will
Item I make James Hubbard and Henry Cam overseers giving to ether of them for ther paines iiiid
Item I am indebted to Raph Whittle xxl
These being witnesses
Thomas Revell
James Hubbard
Henry Cam
John Wilson
Probate 23 May 1600