Wiliam Howit of Scalford 1646 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1646/51
In the name of god Amen the Last day of October Anno dni 1645 and in The Twentith yeare of his maisties Raigne that now is I William Howit of Skalford in the County of Leic husbandman sicke in Body But of memory and minde perfect Thankes be to god doe ordaine and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
First and principally I Bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmighty god and my Body to Be Buried in the Church of Skallford Abovesd and for my worldly goods I Bequeath as followeth
Imprimis I give and Bequeath to the poore of Skallford 10s
Item I give and Bequeath to Thomas Howit my sonne the sume of Twenty pownds to be paid him when hee shall Accomplish the Age of one and Twenty years
Item I give and Bequeath to Ann Howit my daughter the sume of foure score pownds to be paide her when shee shall Accomplish the Age of one and Twenty yeares
Item I give and Bequeath to Elizabeth Howit my youngest daughter foure score pownds to be paide her when shee shall Accomplish the Age of one and Twenty years
Item I give and Bequeath to William Howit my youngest Sonne the like Sume of foure score pownds to be paide him when hee shall Accomplish the Age of one and Twenty years and my will is that yf any of my Children shall departe this life before the said Age of one and Twenty yeares that the porcion of any of them so dying shalbee Equally devided Amongst the Rest Surviveing and Further my will is That yf Ann my now wife shall happen to marry Againe that the my Childrens portions shall the day of her marriage or within one monnth After be paide into the handes of William Parr and Thomas Franke my Brethren in Law and my Brother John Howits handes Allsoe for to be Imployed and put forth for the Best use and Benefit of all my Chilldren
All the Rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable I give to Ann my wife of whom I make full Executor of this my last will and Testament
In witnesse to the Truth of this I the said William Howit hath set to my hand the day and yeare Above written
Will Howit
Thomas Howit thelder his marke
William Parr
Ezebell Trentham [her mark]
Memorand my will is that yf ether of my daughters shall happen to mary before the said Ages and to the likeing and Consent of there mother and William Parr Thomas Franke and John Howit or any three of them that then my will is the shall have There porcions wholy as Aforesaid
Probate 28 August 1646