Richard Hubbard of Long Clawson 1610 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/232/71
In the name of god Amen I Richard Hubberde of the towne of Claxton in the Countie of Leceister husbandman beinge perfecte of mynde & memorye (praysed bee god) but sicke of bodie this 20th of November in they yeares of the Raigne of our Soveraigne lorde James by the grace of god of Englande France & Irelande Kinge defender of the faith &c the seaventhe of Scotlande the fourtie and three Doe make and ordayne this my last Will and testament in manner followeinge
Imprimis I bequeave my soule to god that gave it and my bodye to bee buried in the parishe Churche of Claxton aforesd
Itim I give to the poore of Claxton xiid
Itim I give & bequeave unto my sonne Thomas Hubberde my Cottage house nowe in tenoure & occupation of Johne Tomson with … landes three in the weste feildes of Claxton aforesd & towe in the East feildes Michael Dubbledaye lyeinge on bothe sydes with all the reste of theapportinances thereunto belonginge to him and to his heires for ever to enter to the sayed house at the dissease of his mother or sooner att her discretion att the age of 21tie yeares
Itim my will is that if my sonne Thomas die before he come to the age of 21tie yeares or unmaried, that his foresd Cottage with thapportinances shall returne to his brother Richarde & to his heires for ever
Itim I give to the foresd Thomas fourtie shillings to be payed at the age of 21tie yeares
Itim to my daughter Elizabeth & Ann & Jane Hubberde my natural daughters I give and bequeave equall legacies & portions out of 2 partes of my moveable goodes aforesd they saied 2 partes being to bee divided amongst my four other Children (the foresaied fortie shillinges to Thomas payed out of it) except as hereafter excepted to witt, that my daughter Jane shall have the greatest Brasse pott & the trusse bed praysed within the Compasse of her Legacies
Itim to Ann my daughter I give an Ewe and a lambe besides the foresd portion
Itim I give & bequeave unto my sonne Richard Hubberde the whole estate of this my nowe dwelling house & Leases thereof after that he come to the age of 21tie yeares, excepte that my wyfe keepe her wyddowe dueringe her naturall life and soe beinge wyddowe to enioye halfe of my farme with thapportinances and nott otherwayes
Itim my will is that my sd sonne Richarde shall have left unto him 4 draught beastes the weane and weane geares, the ploughe & ploughe geares, a leade, a peare of malt Querns & towe boards in the lower house Provided that if theis thinges speciallie nominated (the leas & leases excepted) exceede the valuation of his foresaied portion, that he [one word lost in fold] he shall be answerable againe to his brother and systers
Itim my Will is that if anie of my saied Children depart this world before the age of 21tie or daye of mariage his her or theire portions shall remayne to they reste and the time of theire receiving theire portions to bee att the age of 21tie yeares or day of mariage
Itim I give & bequeve to my daughter Marye Goodwyn xiid & to everye one of her eight Children vid
Itim I give unto Elizabeth Gill my daughter in lawe xiid
Itim I give to the amending the Bells xiid
Itim I give & bequeave unto my loveinge Wife Ann Hubberde the whole estate of my nowe dwelling house, & the leas thereof absolutelye untill my sonne Richard come to the age of 21tie yeares & halfe of it dureinge her life remayneinge a wyddowe, but being maried againe after that he commeth to the age of 21tie yeares quietlye she shall depart from everye parte & parcel of the foresaied house & lease with thapports
Itim the rest of my goodes whatsoever unbequeaved I give & bequeave unto my foresd wife whome I make and ordayne sole executor of this my last will and testament to see theis my legacies discharged & my debtes payed
Itim I intreat my sonnes in Lawe Roger Goodwyn & William Gill to be overseers of this my last will & testament to see the same performed giveinge to either of them for theire paynes xiid
Testes sunt
Thomas Wright minister
Willm Guye
Robert Knott his marke
Probate 30 October 1610