William Hubbard of Long Clawson 1561 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/253
In the Name of Gode Amen in the year of our Lord god mdlxii the xxviii daye of January in the iiii yere of the Reign of Elizabeth by the grace of gode queen of Englande France and Ireland defender of the faithe &c witnesseth that I Willm Hobarde of Claxton husbandman sycke in bodye & of goode & perfect remembrance do ordayne & make this my last wyll & testament in maner & forme hereafter folowinge
Fyrst I bequethe my Soule to allmightie gode may maker & Redemer & my bodye to be buryed in the Churche yeard of Claxton my parish Churche
It to the mother Church of Lincoln iiiid
It to my parishe Church xiid
It to my Curett for my tythes negligentlie forgotten iiiid
It to Harbe Church xiid
It I bequethe to Ric my Sonne the hole draughte of my laborynge bestes & A Cowe
It I bequeathe to Edward Chase A … of ii yeres olde
It to Edward Chase A coverlett & a payre of harden sheates with all the peynted clothes about my bed
It to Ric Hoberd too of my best shepe that I have
It to my sonne John Bellome Children A Cowe
It to Izabell Bellome my daughter xs of golde
It to Thomas Hobard Children A Shepe
It to evrye godchild iiiid
It to Marye Hobarde A great Brasse pott
It to Iese Coppe half a strike of malte
It I bequiethe to Izabelle Bellome a panne Bassine
It to Thomas Hobarde & Agnes hys wyffe & Agnes children A shepe
It to Elizabethe Barrowe my godchild xiid
It I gyve all my goods unbequiethed to Ric my Sonne
It I ordaine & make Ric Hobarde my Sonne & Thomas Hobard my Exor of this my last will & testament
These witnesses
Xpofer Goodwyne Vicar
Willm Robinson
Robert Hobarde with other …
Probate 1561