Robert Huckerby of Eaton 1575 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1575
In the name of gode Amen in the yere of oure Salvation a Thowsande Fyve hunderethe Seaventie and Fyve wittnesse that I Robert Hucckabe of Eton husbandman Syke of bodye butt perfecte of mynde and memorie dothe make this my laste will and Testament as folowethe
Fyrste I bequiethe my soule into the mercifull tuition of Jesus Christe my onelye Savioure and Redemer and my Bodye to be buried in the churche yarde of Eton
It I geve to the Cathedrall Church of Lincoln iid
It I geve to the poore mennes Boxe in Eton iid
It I geve to Willm Huccarbe my sonne iiis iiiid
It the reste of all my goods my debtes beinge paide of the whole sume of my goods I geve them to Cassander my wyffe and to Thomas Huccarbe my sonne whom I doe make my full executors of this my laste will and Testament
It and also my will is that Cassander my wyffe and Thomas Huccarbe my sonne shall parte my goods betwixte them my wyffe the one halffe and Thomas my sonne the other halffe
Furthermore my will is that my sonne Roberte and Richarde my sonne and Marie my dowghter shall have emongest them that halffe of my goods that Thomas my executor hathe and ytt to be devided emongest them by even portions savinge that Richard my sonne shall have the beste parte by vs further
I will that my sonne Thomas Huccarbe with his bretherne shall have this tillage halffe of ytt with my wyffe till michaelmas nexte and the saide Childeren to have nothinge of the farme where she now dwellithe
It also my will is this that my executores shall paye all Legacies and detts of myne betwixte them before the parte anie of my goods butt for certayne causes Lawfull onelye
It my will is That Thomas part shalbe amongest his bretherne portions … Richard and Willm excepted but theire partes to be as is afore saide
In wittnes hereof Willm Squire Clarke and vicar Alexander Graye Steven Belly with other moe
Probate Leicester 17 November 1575