Alice Hurst of Holwell 1580 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Will and Inventories 1580/67
Quite a bit of the right hand side of this will, particularly at the top, is missing. Where the normal format of wills of the period indicates strongly the approximate nature of the missing words these have been included in square brackets. The identity of the testator is known from the attached inventory
In the name of God Amen the xvth daie of November the yeare of our Lord God 1580 and the xxii yeare [of the reign of our Sovereign] Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Frannce and Ireland Quene Defendresse of the faith [&c I Alice Hurst of Holwell] in the Countie of Leicester wydowe beinge of whole mynde and in good and perfect remembrance praised [be almighty god do make and] ordaine this my present Testament contayninge there in my last will in maner and fourme followinge
[First I commend my soule into] the hands of Almightie God maker of heaven & Earth and of all things contained therein assuring myself [to be partaker of life everlasting] through Christe Jesus our Saviour knowing to be saved throughe him and by no other waies or meanes and [my body to the earth to be buried in the] Parishe church of Abkettlebye assuringe my self also that this same my bodye shall rise againe at the [last day
Imprimis I give and] bequeth to the Church of Abkettlebye fyve shillings
Item to the poore people of Warpnabie iis
Itm to the poor [of … …]
Item to the poore of Hollwell xiid
Item I geve to Elizabeth Freman two paire of harden sheets and one paire [of hempen [?]] and a Redde Coverledd
Itm I geve to Roger Freman a yewe and a lambe
Itm I geve to Elizabeth Holte my daughter [about two words missing] and ii paire of flaxen sheetes
Item I geve to Margerye Parpoint my daughter ii paire of flaxen shetes & ii paire [about two words missing]
[Itm] I geve to Agnes Warpnabie my two best kercheffes & a paire of harden shetes
Itm to Jone Warpnabie one flaxen [sheet
Itm to every] of my godchildren unmaried vid
Item I geve to Robart Holte xxs and to everye one of his children a lambe
Itm [about two words missing] Parpoint xxs and to everyie one of his children a shepe
Item I geve to Margerye Parpoint a harnesse girdle
Itm [about two words missing] daughters ii platters
Itm I geve to everye one of Willm Hursts children xiid and to Elizabeth his wife one kercheffe
[About two words missing] to Marye Hurst daughter to my sonne Richard Hurst one Coffer which was her owne Mothers and all things that [are in the] same Coffer to be Delyvered to Valentyne Hartopps wyfe to keepe
Itm I geve to Richard Freman xs
Itm to [about two words missing] Daughters a platter
Itm to everye servant that I have xiid also to Elizabeth Oliff one harden shete
[Itm to every] of Richard Spicks children xiid
Also I geve to Marye Parpoint my goddaughter a redd Coffer
Also I [give to …] Hurste sonne one yewe & a lambe
Itm I geve to John Neale whome I make Overseer of this my last [will and testament] iiis iiiid
And all the rest of my goods Cattails and Debtes unbequeathed I geve to John Hurst my sonne whom [I make my sole] and whole Executor of this my last Will and Testament
Theise being witnesses, Valentyne Hartopp Wyllyam Hurst
The Inventorie of all the Goods Cattails & Debtes of Alice Hurste of Hollwell in the countie of Leicester Wydowe who departed this life the xvi of December 1580 praised by these men the xxi of December John Neale Nicholas Parpoint Willm Hurste and John Bailye
The Haule | |
First in the haule one table one fourme and a Cupboard prise | xs |
Item one Chaire and ii Stooles | xviiid |
Item a painted cloth | xxd |
Itm vi silver spoones | xxiiiis |
Sum | xxxvis iid |
The parlor | |
Item there one trusse bed with the fetherbedd matteresse & other furniture to the same | ls |
Itm a table framed one fourme one Coffer & a green Carpit cloth | xiiis iiiid |
Sum | iii li iiis iiiid |
The other parlor | |
Item one bedsted ii Coffers i cupboard & a presse | xs |
Itm ii mattresses v bedhillings & iii blanketts | iii li |
Itm v paire of flaxen shetes | xxxiiis iiiid |
Itm iii paire of mydlinge shetes | xs |
Itm vii paire of harden shets | xxs |
Itm ii flaxen bound clothes & one mydlinge one flaxen towel & ii mydlinge | |
ix table napkins | ixs vid |
Itm iii boulsters iii pillowes & iii pillowberes | viis |
Sum | vii li ixs sd |
The Buttrie | |
Itm one barrell ii Ale loomes one Worte leade with other ymplements | vs |
Itm viii pewter platters & chargers with pewter dishes & iii porringers of pewter | xs |
Sum | xvs |
The Kitchinge | |
Itm iiii brasse pannes and kettells | xvs |
Itm ii brasse potts | xvs |
Itm ii spites 1 paire of cobberds 1 cresset a brasse morter with an yron pestill i fire shovel | |
with other things | viis |
Itm a mashfatt a gilefatt with other wodden stuffe | xs |
Itm ii bacon flix | vs |
Itm one brewinge leade | iiis vid |
Itm an old paire of Quernes | xxd |
Itm i windowe cloth & iii sackes | iiiis |
Itm Lynen wheles wollen wheles & syves | iiis iiiid |
Sum | iii li iiiis vid |
The yard | |
Item ii cratches | iiis iiiid |
Itm ii Lethers & other offall wood | xs |
Itm ii hovells | xiis vid |
Itm i Cart & a waine | ls |
Itm ii yron harrowes | iiis iiiid |
Itm i colter ii shares with yokes and teames plowes & plowe geares & carte geares | |
one strike & a gavelocke | xvis viiid |
Itm in plow tymber Howell | vs |
Itm in Cooles | xs |
Itm in hyves | xxs |
Itm the croppe of corne in the feild & in the barne with the heye | xxx li |
Itm in horses mares & colts | x li |
Itm i yoke of steares viii kyne iiii yonge beasts i calfe | xviii li |
Itm i hundred shepe in yewes wethers & lambes | xxiiii li |
Itm half a shepefold in treyes | xvs |
Itm ii fatt swine | xvs |
Itm vi other swine | xvis viiid |
Itm in pultrey viz in geese duckes & hennes | vs |
Itm ii pickforkes with shovells & spades & other ymplyments | vs |
Itm i sythe | xxiid |
Item in apparel | xxs |
Itm in readie money in her pourse | vs |
Sum | 92 li 14s 4d |
Debtes owinge unto her | |
First by Edmund Noble of Warpnabie | ix li |
Itm by Willm Hart of Kerbye Bellors | xxxiiis iiiid |
Itm by George Dafte of Hiclinge | xxvis |
Sum | xi li xixs iiiid |
Sum totalis | cxxi li iiis vid |