Ann Hurst of Holwell 1732 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1732
In the Name of God Amen I Ann Hurst of Holwell in the County of Leicester, Spinster, being very weak in Body, but of perfect Mind and Memory, thanks be to God for the same, calling unto Mind the mortality of my Body, do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament That is to say
First of all I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it: & for my Body I commend it to the Earth, to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named
And as touching my worldly Estate, I give and dispose of the same in the following manner
Imprimis, I give & bequeath unto Mary Hurst, Daughter of my Brother Samuel Hurst, the sum of ten Pounds to be paid her with [should be “within”] three months after my Executor shall receive my Money from my sd Brother
I also give unto Elizbeth Hurst, another Daughter of my said Brother Samuel Hurst, the Sum of Ten Pounds, to be paid her within three Months after my Executor shall receive my Money from my said Brother Samuel Hurst
I also give unto Ann Hacket, Daughter of my Brother in Law William Hacket, the sum of twenty Pounds, to be paid her within three Months after my Executor shall receive my Money from my Brother Samuel Hurst
And in Case Either Mary Hurst, Elizabeth Hurst, & Ann Hacket aforesaid, or any of them shall Dye before their respective Legacys shall become payable That then my Will is that such Legacy or Legacies of any of them so dyeing shall be and go to the Survivour or Survivors of them Payable as aforesd
All the rest and residue of my Estate of what Nature or kind soever I give unto my Honoured Father Mr John Courtivile by him freely to be possed and Enjoyed; who I likewise Constitute, make and ordain my only and sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament
And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, & disanul all other former Wills and Testaments by me in any ways heretofore made; ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & seal this first Day of September, in the year of our Lord 1729
Ann Hurst
Sign’d, seal’d, publish’d & declar’d by the said Ann Hurst, as her last Will and Testament, in the presence of us
R [?] Launder
Ann Tyler
Mary Neal
Probate 22 December 1732