John Hurst of Holwell 1561 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/253
In the name of god Amen the xviii daye of February in the yere of our lorde god A thowsand fyve hundrethe fifty & eigte I John Hurst of Hollwell in the countie of Leicester beinge in perfect mynde and memory do make & ordayne this my last will & Testament in this maner as foloweth
Fyrst I bequethe my Soule to god Allmightie and to our Lady Sainte Mary and to all the holy company of heaven and my body to be buryed in the church of apekeytylby
Itm I gyve to the highe aulter xiid
Itm to Lincolne vid
Itm to the pore people of Apekeytylbye & Wartnaby of Scalford & of Claxton to every one of their townes iiis iiiid
Itm every one of my godchildren iiiid
Itm I gyve to Agnes Freman xxs
Itm to Elizabethe Pyke xxs
Itm to every chylde of Robert Henson and of John Wartnginbye one ewe or els iis in monye
Itm I gyve to Richard my sonne one preisse and one cupborde standing in the parler one … of yron one bruing leyde one Leyde in a frame one Spytt of yron one great pott of brasse & all the wood of the hovell standing on the grounde
Itm to every Servant xiid
Itm to Hollwell chappell iis
Itm I will that my goodes be devyded into thre partes and one of the thre partes I gyve to Alice Hurst my wyfe and an other parte I gyve amonge my children unmaryed
Itm I will that my legace be payde of the thyrde parte of my goods And the resydewe thereof I gyve to John my Sonne
Also I will that yf John my sonne departe or he come to lawfull age that his parte shall remaine to Richard Hurst my sonne Also yf any other of my children do departe or they come to lawfull age that their parte to be devyded amonge the other by the discretyon of Mr John Segrave Alice my wyfe & Richard my sonne
Also I gyve to Willm Hurst my sonne one howse standing in the crofte called Spencer crofte and another crofte called Neteyearde and the oxgange of Lande called Venner lande with leys & meadowes leasures & pastures and one oxgang of odde Lande lyinge betwene the lands of Willm … and the Land of Richard Coley with all the Lands leys medowes & pastures nowe being in the tenure & occupacon of the forsaid Willyam Hurst to him and to his heires males for ever
And for lacke of heyres males of Willm Hurst to Richard Hurst & to his heyres males
And for Lacke of heires males of Richard Hurst to John Hurst my sonne & to his heyres males
And for lacke of heyres males of John Hurst to the heires generall for evermore
Also I gyve to Richard Hurst my sonne and to his heires males my howse and one wyndemyll one close one orcherde one garden and fyve yearde lande with all lands leys leisures pastures and meadowes therto belonging within the towne & fyelds of Hollwell and for lacke of heires males of Richarde Hurst to John Hurst my sonne and to his heires males and for lacke of heires males of John Hurst to Willm Hurst and to his heires males And for Lacke of heires males of Willm Hurste to the heyres generall for ever provided that I will that Alice Hurst my wyfe shall have to the bringing uppe of my children my howse and my mylne with all the appurtenances so longe as she is unmaryed payinge to Richarde Hurst & to his heires xxvis viiid
Also I will that yf Alice my wyfe do marrye that she shall have no more but the thyrde parte of the rents of my hole Lande and Richard Hurste my sonne or his heyres to enter to the foresaide Lands accordinge to my will & Testament
And I make John Segrave Gentleman Supervysor of my will & he to have for his paynes xs
And I ordaine & make Alice Hurst my wyfe & Richard my sonne myne executors
Thies beinge witnesses Willm Hurst and Richard Neyle with other mo
Probate 5 May 1561