Robert Hurst of Holwell 1551 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1551/53
In the name of god amen in the vii day of September in the yere of our Lord god by mcccccli I Robt Hurst of Holwell in the parishe of abkeytelbe beyng in holle mynd & remembrance dothe make & ordyne thys my last wylle & testymente as here after folowethe
Fyrst I bequethe my soulle to almyghty god & my body to be buryed in the churche yard of abkeytulbe
It I bequethe to my mother church of Lyngeon iid
It I gyffe to the poor mens boxe xvid
It I gyff to everie godchylde iiiid
It I gyffe to Rychard Smalye a shep or a lame
It I gyff to Schalford a strek a malt to be gyffyng to the poore people
It I gyff to Wartnabe a strek of malt to be gyffyng to the pore people
The resydew of my gudds I wyll that they be devydyd in iii parts the on to bring me to the grond A nother to my wyffe the iii to my chyldne & … that ys left of my part my wyll beyng fulfyllyd schalle reymayne to my wyffe & my chyldne
I make my executors my wyff & my brother Jhone Hurst & he to have for ys paynse vis viiid & Robt Blankney my Supervisore & he to have for ys payns iiis iiiid
Wytnes Wyllme Mowre Robt Crosse Robt Colyngton Wyllme … with other men
Thys ys the Inventory of Robt Hurst of Holwell in the paryshe of Abkeytulbe made in the yere of our Lord god mccccc & li presyd be Jhone Hurst Jhone Bayley Wyllme … Robt Blankney with other moo
Fyrst a borde a forme & a cheere | xxd |
It a nambre | iiis iiiid |
It a dyss… ii lommes with other trenstuff | vs |
It a pane a keytull & iii potts | xiiis iiiid |
It ix platers & viii porrygers iii saucers & salt iiii candelstyks & a chawendysse | xiis |
It iii cofers ii bedds | ixs |
It ii mattrys a bede covering ii coverleyds | xviiis |
It vi payre of flaxson schetts & ix payre of hardyne schetts iii bord clothys iiii towells | xls |
It iii spynyng whellys | iis |
It a payre cobirns & the tonges & hynklys | iis |
It xx schepe & lamms | viii l |
It ii oxsn & ii bulloks | v l xiiis viiid |
It v kyne a styre & a hayfore | iiii l |
It ii marys a feyly & a colte | iii li |
It xiii sweyne | xxxs |
It the pultreware | vis viiid |
It a wayne the plowe ii … ii … | xxxs |
It plowtymbere howel… with other wood | xxs |
It the haye | xxxiiis iiiid |
It the croppe of corne | ix l |
Suma total | xlii l |