Hurst William 1595 of Holwell Will

William Hurst of Holwell 1595 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/216/13

In the name of god Amen the ninth day of November the yeare of our Lord god 1595 and the xxxviith yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France & Ireland Queene Defendresse of the Fayth &c I Willm Hurst of Hollwell in the Countie of Leic yeoman beinge of whole mynde & in good & perfect remembrance praysed be god therefore make & ordayne this my present Testament conteyninge herin my last Will in maner & forme followinge

First I comend my soule into the hands of Allmightie god maker of heaven & Earth and of all things conteyned therein assuring my selfe of eternal Salvation throughe Christ Jesus our Saviour trusting to be saved through him & by no other ways or maynes

And my bodye to be buried in the Parish Church of Abkettelbye assuringe my selfe Alsoe that this my same bodie shall rise againe at the last day unto Eternall lyfe

Itm I bequeath unto the parre people of Holwell & of Abkettelbeye iiis iiiid

Itm I will that Elizabeth my wyfe shall leave unto John Hurst my sonn & heire all the crape of one ogscon of land at her naturall Departure either in feild or towne when soever it shall please god to call the sayd Elizabeth

Itm I geve unto Richard Hurst my sonn on heifer

Item I geve unto Willm Hurst my yongest sonn twentie pounds in guds

Itm I geve unto Francis Hypthrap my sonn in Law one ewe sheepe

Itm I geve unto Marie Hypthrape my daughter one ewe sheep & unto her two children ether of them a lambe hogge

Itm I geve unto Margaret Muson my daughter one ewe Sheppe & unto her daughter an other

Itm I geve unto everie one of my sonn Johns Children a lambe hogge And further more I geve unto John Hurst my sonn Johns eldest sonn on bruin lead in the Kytchin one foylden tabell & one forme in the hall & one great arke in the chamber & one stone trough and all other things necessarie about the well with all the hoffell tymber about the yard

All the rest of my guds unbequeathed my debts beinge first payd & funerall expencs discharged I geve & bequeath them unto my wife

Itm I ordayne & make Elizabeth my wyfe my full & whole Executrix of this my last will & testament

Itm I make John Hurst my sonn overseer

These beinge wytness John Hurst John Baylie Richard Hurst and manye others

Probate 27 January 1595/6


The Inventorye of all the goods catteles & debts of Willm Hurst of Hollwell in the countie of Lecester husbandman deceased praised by theis men the xxvith day of Januarie 1595 John Hurst John Baylie John Hollwell & John Hurst

First his apparelxs
Itm his pursevs
Itm in the hall two tables two forms two chears & two cubberdsxxxs
Itm three brasse potts & two kettlesxs
Itm six puter platters foure chargers three candelstickes one sault & one chaffen dishe 
& two porringersxxs
Itm a firiron a brandiron with spytte cobberd & other necessari things about the fireiiis iiiid
Itm in the parlour & in the chamber foure bedsteads two matterisses six coverleds 
two blankets one hillin for a bed & one table clothexls
Itm one feather bed ten payre of sheets three board clothes two boylsters six pillowes 
& pillow bearsiii li xiiis iiiid
Itm in the kytchin one mashfatt one … fatte with all other wooden wares with 
one cloth & thre secksxxs
Itm foure baken flixes & five shoatsxls
Itm the coalesxs
Itm in the yard thirteen neat …xviii li
Itm five horse & maresxiiii li
Itm one cart & cart gears one plowe & plow gears with harrows plow tymber & hoffellsiiii li
Itm in the barne Rie pease Barlye & hayxxx li
Itm three scoure sheepexx li
The some the debts not deductedlxxxxix li xxd
The debts of Willm Hurst which he oweth are these 
Itm unto Richard Hurst my sonn for land that I bought of himxx li
Itm unto John Musonxii li
Itm unto Harrould Scrimshewv li
The whole some the debts beeinge deductedlxii li xxd