Edward Jackson of Wartnaby 1720 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1720
August the 18 1720 In the name of God amen I Edward Jackson of Wartnaby in the County of Lester Labore being sick and weak of body but of parfect memory and rembrance praised be God do make this my last Will and Testament in maner and forme folen
First I committ my Soule into the hands of allmighty God my Creator trusting through the meritts of Jesus Christ my redeemer to obtaine the forgivenesse of my Sins and Joy in his kingdome and my body to be buried in Cresten burel at the decrecsron of my excruterexx hereafter named in hopes of a Joyfull resurresion and as for my worly goods real and parsnel in maner and forme following
I givfe to Elenor my wife my howse dureng her natrell life and then to my two daughters Mary Jackson and Luce Jackson erukly Be Twexte them and thare Earse fore ever
Itam I givfe to my sune Edward Jackson one Shilen in full of his porshan
Itame I givfe to my daughter Mary Jackson Ten pound
Itam I givfe to my daughter Luse Jackson Ten pounds
Itam all the Rest of my goods and parsnall estate I give to Elener my Wife duren hir natrall Life and Then To my Two daughters Mary Jackson and Luce Jackson Equly betwex them
And I uterlly Revoke all former Wills That hath been by me in ane wise made
In witness hearof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and year first aboufe retten
The mar of Edward Jackson
Declared and published in the presence of
Robert Wartnaby Sener
John Greasley
Robert Warneby
Probate 9 November 1720