William Jarvis of Eaton 1592 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/213/183 and PR/I/213/207
In the name of god amen the x day of December & in the yere of oure Salvatyon 1592 wytnessethe that I Wyllm Jervys of Eaton husbandman in the county of Lestar dothe ordayne & make thys my wyll & testament in manner & forme as heraftar folowethe
Fyrste I comytte my Soulle into the mercyfull tuition of almyghty god & to hys Sonne Jesu Christe my onely Savyoure & redemar & my body to be buryed in the churche yarde of Eaton aforesayd
Itm I geve to the Cathedrall churche of Lyngcolne iid
Itm I geve to the poore mens boxe of Eaton vid
Itm I geve to Wyllm Jervys my sone xls further my wyll ys that my sone shall not have any parte of thys xls payd by my executor unto sent Stevens day in Chrystemas come ii yers after the makynge hereof & then he to have the one half & the other at that tyme twelmonte aftar & not before
Itm I geve to Alyzandar Jervys my sonne iiii stryks of Ryy & iiii stryks of barley & he to have the one half at mysshelmas next comynge aftar the makynge herof & the other half at that day twellmonthe aftar
I geve to Alyzandar my sone my best cotte
Itm I geve to hys sonne Thomas & Margett hys daughttar a yo lambe betwyxt them & the not to recyve yt untyll vi yers aftar my departtynge be come up & nott before
Itm I geve to Grayss Jervys my daughter & her daughtar betwyxt them a yoo at iii yers end aftar my departtynge & not before
Itm I geve to Robartt Hopkynsson one stryke of Ryy & ii stryks of barley
Itm I geve to An Jervys my daughttar ii stryks of seed Ryy at mysshellmas come twell montte & not before aftar the makynge herof
Itm I geve to Issabell Jervys daughttar of Jhon Jarvys A cowe & vi sheppe and my best brass pote & my bedstead that I ly yn & my best bedhyllynge
Itm I geve to Elizabethe Jervys my bruynge lead
Item I geve to Wyllm Jervys Sone of Jhon Jervys a brassen mortar
Itm I geve to Thomas Jervys an Iron gavloke
Itm I geve to Aylls Jervys ii yards of whytte carssay
The Reste of all my goods movable & unmovable I geve to Jhon Jervys my Sonne whom I do make my full executore of thys my last wyll & testament
Further I do ordayne & make thes men to be my supervysors of my testament to be trewly performed Jhon … & Symond Whytte & they to have theyre chargges borne them whersoever the shalbe called by my executore
In wytnes herof Wyllm Squyar Vyccar And Franssys Moare And Jhon Somnar
Detts that I Wyllm Jervys dothe owe
Fyrst to Issabell Kyrk I do owe | xiid |
Robert Wrytte [the other version says Robert Gold] dothe owe for dyvers leyynge downe for hym & | |
for strawe he had of me to the value & for a pec of tymber | viis |
Hew Kerke owethe me | xd |
Probate Leicester 15 February 1592/3