Thomas Jesson of Saxelby 1568 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/259/36
In the name of god so be it the yeare of the incarnacyon of our lord god Jesus Christ 1568 the x of the moneth of December I Thomas Jesson of Saxulby in the countie of Leicester husbandman sycke in body but hole in mind makyth this my last will in maner and forme folowing
Fyrste I bequeth my soule into the great mercy of god and my body to be buried in holy sepultuer
Itm I bequeith unto our mother church of Lincoln iiiid
It I bequeth unto my wyff all my hole farme and all my corne bothe in the barne and in the feld with my hole teayme & all things therto belonging so longe as she kepeth hyr selfe unmaried unto my sonne Thomas be of the age of xxi yeares and then he to have with hyre the half of my farme with the halfe of all things therto belonginge
Itm I bequieth to the parsonne of Saxulby for recompence of tythes forgotten xxd
Itm I bequeth to my dowghter Alice one matteris iii paire of shets ii of harden and one of flaxen one coverlet ii puther dishes
Item I bequeth unto my dowghter Johne my best kowe iii payre of shets ii of harden & one of flaxyn a matteris a coverlet & ii puther Dishes
It I bequieth unto my dowghter Agnes one … hecforth ii payre of shets ii payre of harden & one of flaxyn a matteris a coverlet & ii puther dishes
Itm I bequieth unto my dowghter Alice and unto my dowghter Johnne to ether of them a lambe hogge
Itm I will that Willm my wyffs brother have so manie shepe comones for his shepe as may be spared
Itm I bequieth unto my sonne Thomas a cownter a spyt & a paire of cobbords with a basing
It I institute my wyffe & my sonne Thomas to be mine executors & Willm Bound supervisor of this my last will my detts paid which be thes fyrst unto Willm Angrew xxviis vi
Itm unto Thomas Bound xs
My funerall performyd the rest of my goods unbequethed I put to the discression of mine executors to disposse it as it shall seym the best for the health of my sowle provided allweayes that my wyffe have the … for the welthes of my dowghters
Thes men beinge wittnesses Willm Freman Thomas Gamble Willm Bounde with others
Probate 19 January 1658/9 Leicester to executrix, power reserved for Thomas Jesson the other executor