Elizabeth Jordan of Hickling 1826 Will
National Archives PROB 11/1720/388
I Elizabeth Jordan of Hickling in the County of Nottingham Widow do make publish and declare this my last Will and testament in manner following that is to say
I will and direct that all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expences to be paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently may be after my decease
I give and bequeath unto the Revd George Woodcock of Caythorpe in the County of Lincoln Clerk All my books of every description and also the turning laths and working tools of my late dear husband The Reverend John Thomas Jordan
Also I give and bequeath unto Mary Ann Cook the wife of William Cook of Woodbridge House Clerkenwell in the County of Middlesex Gentleman My Cabinet Table
And Whereas under and by virtue of an Indenture bearing date the twentieth day of May One thousand Eight hundred and twelve and made between the said John Thomas Jordan therein described as of Hickling aforesaid Clerk my said late husband deceased and me the said Elizabeth Jordan then his Wife therein described as the sister and residuary legatee named in and by the last Will and testament of Robert Thomas Cromp then late of West Malling in the County of Kent Esquire deceased of the one part and Sir Richard Brooke de Capel Brooke of Great Oakley in the County of Northampton Baronet The Reverend Richard Jordan of Rochester in the said County of Kent Clerk and the said William Cook of the other part The Stock or Sum of twenty four thousand pounds three per cent Consolidated bank Annuities is now standing in the names of the said Sir Richard Brooke de Capel Brooke Richard Jordan and William Cook in the books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England and held by them in consequence of the Events which last happened since the date and execution of the same Indenture upon the following trusts, that is to say
Upon trust by and out of the dividends Interest and annual Produce of the said twenty four thousand pounds three per cent Bank Annuities to pay One Annuity or yearly Sum of three hundred pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain unto Maria Pye the Wife of William Pye of Charing in the said County of Kent Yeoman for her sole and separate use and benefit as therein mentioned and subject thereto
Upon trust to pay apply and dispose of the Dividends Interest and annual Produce of the said twenty four thousand pounds three per cent Bank Annuities unto such person or persons and for such uses intents and purposes as I the said Elizabeth Jordan should be any Writing or Writings signed with my hand notwithstanding my Coverture at any time and from time to time but not by way of Anticipation direct or appoint and in the meantime and until I should make some such direction or appointment concerning the said dividends Interest and annual produce to pay the same unto my own proper hands for my sole and separate use and benefit as therein expressed
And from & after my decease Upon trust to pay assign and transfer the said twenty four thousand pounds three per cent Bank Annuities Subject to the payment of the said Annuity of three hundred pounds to the said Maria Pye if then subsisting unto the person or persons as I the said Elizabeth Jordan notwithstanding my Coverture by any Deed or Deeds Writing or Writings or by my last Will and Testament in Writing to be signed sealed and delivered in the presence of and to be attested by two or more credible witnesses should direct or appoint And for want of such direction or Appointment to pay assign and transfer the same subject as aforesaid unto my Executors and Administrators
& Whereas my said late husband John Thomas Jordan departed this life on the twenty third day of December One thousand Eight hundred and twenty having first duly made and published his last Will and Testament in Writing bearing date the fifteenth day of September then last past whereby after and subject to the payment of his debts and funeral and testamentary expences he hath given and bequeathed All his Estate & Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature kind or quality soever the said may be or consist whether in possession Reversion remainder or expectancy unto me my Executors Admors and Assigns as and for my own property and Effects absolutely
Now I the said Elizabeth Jordan in pursuance and in exercise and Execution of the power to me in that behalf given limited or reserved in or by means of the said hereinbefore recited Indenture and by virtue and in exercise and execution of all and every other power and powers Authority and Authorities whatsoever in any wise enabling me thereto Do by this my last Will and Testament in writing signed sealed and delivered in the presence of and attested by the two credible persons whose names are intended to be hereunto indorsed as Witnesses attesting the signing sealing and delivery of this my Will by we me said Elizabeth Jordan direct appoint give and bequeath the said Stock or sum of twenty four thousand pounds so as aforesaid now standing in the names of the said Sir Richard Brooke de Capel Brooke Richard Jordan and William Cooke in the books of the said Governor and company of the Bank of England and the interest dividends and annual proceeds thereof subject to the payment of the said Annuity of three hundred pounds to the said Maria Pye if the same shall be subsisting at the time of my decease
And also all the sum and sums of money and Interest thereon due and owing to me as Executrix and Residuary legatee of my said late husband from the said William Cook And also all the household Goods and furniture Plate linen China Monies Securities for money and all and singular other my property goods chattels and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature kind or quality soever the same may be or consist whether in possession reversion remainder or expectancy or otherwise howsoever of or to which I am possessed or entitled under or by virtue of the said Will of my said late husband or in any manner or by any other means whatsoever save and except such part of my said household goods and furniture and other property goods chattels and effects as I have hereinbefore specifically given and disposed of unto John Pelly Atkins of the Parish of …albrook in the City of London and of Halsted House in the County of Kent Esquire and the said George Woodcock their Executors Administrators and Assigns absolutely nevertheless Upon the trusts and to and for the intents and purpose hereinafter by this my Will expressed and declared of and concerning the same (that is to say)
Upon trust that they the said John Pelly Atkins and George Woodcock or the Survivor of then his Executors Admors or Assigns shall and do as soon as conveniently may be after my decease sell and dispose of and convert into money my said household Goods and furniture Plate linen china & such other parts of my property goods chattels and Effects as shall not consist of money or Securities for money and collect get in receive and recover such parts of my said property goods chattels effects and premises as shall consist of money or securities for money and shall and do stand possessed of and interested in the monies to arise from the sale collection and conversion into money of my said Household Goods and furniture plate linen China monies Securities for money and other property goods chattels effects and premises when so sold collected and converted into Money as aforesaid and also of and in the said Stock or Sum of twenty four thousand pounds three per cent consolidated Bank Annuities and the Interest Dividend and annual proceeds thereof subject to the payment of the said Annuity of three hundred pounds to the said Maria Pye if and while the same shall be subsisting Upon the trusts and to and for the intents and purposes hereinafter by this my Will expressed and declared of and concerning the same (that is to say)
Upon trust that they the said John Pelly Atkins and George Woodcock or the Survivor of them his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and do in their or his discretion either appropriate and set apart so much of the said trust Stock or Sum of twenty four thousand three per cent consolidated bank Annuities or lay out and invest such part of the monies to arise from the sale collection or conversion into money of my said property goods chattels effects and premises when so sold collected and converted into money as aforesaid in their or his own names or name in or upon some or one of the parliamentary Stocks or funds or real or government Securities at Interest the Dividends Interest or Annual proceeds thereof as will produce the clear yearly Sum of Forty pounds and stand possessed thereof In trust to pay to or to the use of or authorize and empower John Buttery of Hickling aforesaid and Jane his Wife my late Servants to receive such Interest Dividends and annual proceeds when and as the same shall from time to time become due and payable for and during their joint natural lives to commence immediately from the day or time of my decease and to be paid and payable by equal half yearly payments and the first half yearly payment thereof to be made at the end of six calendar months next after my decease
And from and after the decease of either of them the said Jane [sic] Buttery and Jane his Wife In trust to pay to or to the use of or authorize and empower the Survivor of them to receive such Interest dividends and annual proceeds when and as the same shall from time to time become due and payable for and during the remainder of his or her natural life to commence immediately from the day or time of the decease of the one of them so dying and to be paid by equal half yearly payments and the first half yearly payment thereof to be made at the end and expiration of the first six calendar months next after the decease of the one of them so dying And I will and direct that upon the decease of either of them the said John Buttery and Jane his Wife so much of the said yearly sum of Forty pounds as shall have accrued from the time of last payment thereof to be day of his or her death to be paid to the Survivor of them And that upon the decease of such Survivor so much of the said yearly Sum of Forty pounds as shall have accrued from the time of the last payment thereof to the day of the decease of such Survivor to be paid to the Executors or Admors of such Survivor
And upon further trust that they my said trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and do by with out of the monies to arise from the sale collection and conversion into money of my said property goods chattels effects and premises when so sold collected and converted into money as aforesaid and by with and out of the said trust Stock or Sum of twenty four thousand pounds three per cent consolidated Bank Annuities or a competent part or parts thereof pay and I do accordingly give and bequeath unto the several persons next hereinafter named that several legacies or Sums of Money hereinafter respectively mentioned (that is to say)
To the said Richard Jordan Brother of my late dear husband the legacy or Sum of One thousand pounds
To Anna Children daughter of John Everett Children of the British Museum Esquire the legacy or Sum of Five hundred pounds to be paid to her attaining the age of twenty one years
To Laura Frances Cook daughter of the said William Cook the legacy or sum of Five hundred pounds
To Maurice Johnson Son of Maurice Johnson late of Spalding deceased and Frances his Wife also deceased the legacy or sum of five hundred pounds to be paid to him attaining the age of twenty one years
And I direct that the Interest of the said last mentioned legacy or sum of five hundred pounds or a sufficient part thereof from be from time to time paid and applied by my said trustees for the maintenance and education of him the said Maurice Johnson until he shall attain the age of twenty one years And the remainder if any of the Interest of the same last mentioned legacy or sum of Five hundred pounds be suffered to accumulate and be added to the principal and be paid to him the said Maurice Johnson the Son upon his attaining his said age of twenty one years
To Mary Morres daughter of the Reverend John Morres of Nether Broughton in the County of Leicester clerk the legacy or Sum of three hundred pounds
To Elizabeth Marriott (Daughter of George Wharton Marriott Esquire Barrister at Law and Selina Ann his Wife) the legacy or Sum of two hundred pounds
To Rebecca Buttery one of my Servants now living with me the sum of One hundred pounds
To Sarah Hives one other of my Servants now living with me the legacy or Sum of Fifty pounds
To Abigail Hives Wife of George Hives of Hickling aforesaid and to Elizabeth Binckes wife of Thomas Binckes of Nether Broughton aforesaid formerly my Servants the legacy or Sum or Fifty pounds each
To Jane Barrett Wife of William Barrett of Hickling aforesaid Labourer the legacy or sum of two hundred pounds and to the said George Woodcock in addition to the bequest hereinbefore made to him the legacy or Sum of Five hundred pounds
And I do hereby declare my Will and mind to be that the several pecuniary legacies hereinbefore by me given and bequeathed shall be paid or invested within six calendar months next after my decease or so soon after as conveniently may be
And after and subject to the trust aforesaid and also to the payment of any legacies or bequests which I may make or notify in Writing by any Codicil or Writing which may be made subsequent to the date of this my Will or otherwise by any writing or Memorandum which may be found in my possession at the time of my decease Upon trust that they my said trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and do divide all the rest residue and remainder of the before mentioned monies Stocks funds securities and premises into four equal parts or shares
And shall and do pay assign and transfer one of such four parts or shares and the Interest dividends and annual proceeds thereof and of every part thereof unto John George Children (one of the nephews of my said late husband) his Executors Admors and Assigns
And shall and do pay assign and transfer One other of such four parts or shares and the Interest Dividends and annual proceeds thereof and of every part thereof unto The Reverend Beale Poot of Millston in the County of Kent Clerk One other of the Nephews of my said late husband his Executors Administrators and Assigns
And shall and do lay out and invest one other of such four parts or shares in the names or name of them my said trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors Administrators or Assigns in or upon some or one of the parliamentary Stocks or funds or real or government Securities at Interest And shall and do from time [“to time” missing] alter vary and transpose such Stocks funds and securities for other Stocks funds and Securities of similar nature when and so often as they or he shall in their or his discretion think fit and shall and do pay the Interest dividends and annual proceeds of the said last mentioned One fourth part or share and of the Stocks funds and Securities in or upon which the same shall have been so invested as the same shall from time to time become due and be received into the proper hands of Marianne Hamilton the Wife of Captain Hamilton now in the Russian Service one of the Neices of my said late husband or otherwise permit and Authorize her or such person or persons as she shall in that behalf direct or appoint to receive the same to and for her own sole and separate use and benefit for and during the term of her natural life free from the debts controul and Engagements of her said present or any future husband and not be way of anticipation thereof or any part thereof by sale charge Mortgage Annuity incumbrance or other means and for which her receipt alone shall be the only sufficient discharge so as the same be not paid or received by way of Anticipation hereof or any part thereof by sale charge Mortgage Annuity incumbrance or other means And from and after her decease Upon trust that they my said trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and do pay assign & transfer the said last mentioned One fourth part or share and the Stocks funds and Securities in or upon which the same shall be invested and the Interest Dividends and annual proceeds thereupon due and to become due unto between and amongst all and every the child and children of the said Marianne Hamilton equally to be divided between them if more than one share and share alike And if but one then the whole thereof to such one child such share or shares to belong to and be an Interest vested in such child or children being a Son or Sons at his or their age or respective ages of twenty one years and being a daughter or daughters at her or their age or respective ages of twenty years or day or respective days of Marriage which shall first happen And to be paid transferred or Assigned as aforesaid to such child or children at the said ages days or times if such Ages day of times happen after the decease of the said Marianne Hamilton but if before then within three calendar months next after her decease with the Interest dividends and Annual Proceeds thereupon due and to become due after the time of her decease
And I do hereby declare that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said trustees or the Survivor of the his Executors Administrators or Assigns to pay and apply the interest dividends and Annual proceeds of the shares of the children of the said Marianne Hamilton for their maintenance and Education and any part of the principal thereof for their advancement in life during their respective Minorities Provided always and I do hereby declare that if any child of the said Mary Anne Hamilton shall happen to depart this life before the share hereby intended or provided for every such child so dying as well arising [?] or accruing by virtue of this present clause or proviso shall from time to time so accrue and belong unto the Survivor and Survivors others or other of the said children of the said Marianne Hamilton and shall be equally divided between them or amongst them if more than one share and share alike and if but one then the whole thereof to such one child and become vested in and be paid and payable to him her or them at such and the same ages days and times and in the same manner as is or are hereinbefore directed provided and declared concerning his her or their original share or shares respectively
And upon further trust that in case there shall not be any child of the said Marianne Hamilton who shall live to become entitled to the said last mentioned One fourth part share stocks funds and Securities then that they my said trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and do from and after the decease of the said Marianne Hamilton and such failure of her issue living to become entitled as aforesaid pay transfer and Assign the same and every part thereof unto such person or persons in such shares proportions and manner in all respects as the said Marianne Hamilton by any Deed or Writing under her hand and seal executed in the presence of two or more credible Witnesses shall direct or appoint And in default of such direction or appointment Upon trust to pay assign and transfer the same unto the Executors Admors and Assigns of the said Mary Anne Hamilton absolutely
And upon further trust that they my said trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors Administrators or Assigns do and shall lay out and invest the other or remaining of such four parts or shares into the names or name of them my said trustees or the Survivor of them his Executor Administrators or Assigns in or upon some or one of the parliamentary Stocks or funds or real or Government Securities at Interest And shall and do from time to time alter vary and transpose such Stocks funds and Securities for other stocks funds and securities of a similar nature when and as often as they or he shall in their or his discretion think fit and shall and do pay the interest dividends and annual produce of the said last mentioned one fourth or share and of the Stocks funds and Securities in or upon which the same shall be invested as the same shall from time to time become due and be received into the proper hands of Margaret Carter the Wife of the Reverend Wilfred Carter of Mountfield in the County of Sussex (one other of the neices of my said late husband) or otherwise permit and authorize her or such person or persons as she shall in that behalf direct or appoint to receive the same to and for her own sole and separate use and benefit for and during the term of her natural life free from the debts controul or engagements of her said present of any future husband and not by way of anticipation thereof or any part thereof by sale charge Mortgage Annuity incumbrance or other means and for which her receipt alone shall be the only sufficient discharge so as the same be not paid or received by way of anticipation thereof or any part thereof by sale charge mortgage Annuity incumbrance or other means
And from and after her decease Upon trust that they my said trustees or the Survivor of them his Exors Admors or Assigns shall and do pay assign and transfer the said last mentioned One fourth part or share and the Stocks funds and Securities in or upon which the same shall be invested and the Interest Dividends and annual proceeds thereupon due and to become due unto between and amongst all and every the child and children of the said Margaret Carter equally to be divided between them if more than one share and share alike & if but one then the whole thereof to such one child such share or shares to belong to and be an interest vested in such child or children being a Son or Sons at his or their age or respective ages of twenty one years and being a Daughter or Daughters at her or their age or respective ages of twenty one years or day or respective days of Marriage which shall first happen and to be paid transferred or assigned as aforesaid to such child or children at the said ages days or times such ages days or times happen after the decease of the said Margaret Carter but if before then within three calendar months next after her decease with the Interest dividends and annual proceeds thereupon due and to become due after the time of her decease
I do hereby declare that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors Administrators or Assigns to pay and apply the Interest Dividends and annual proceeds of the shares of the children of the said Margaret Carter for their maintenance and Education and any part of the principal thereof for their advancement in life during their respective Minorities Provided always And I do hereby declare that if any such child of the said Margaret Carter shall happen to depart this life before the share hereby intended or provided for him or her shall become vested then the share hereby intended or provided for every such child so dying as well original as accruing by virtue of this present clause or proviso shall from time to time go accrue and belong unto the Survivors or Survivor or other of the said children of the said Margaret Carter and shall be equally divided between or amongst them if more than one share and share alike and if but one then the whole thereof to such one Child and become vested in and be paid and payable to him her or them at such and the same ages days and times and in the same manner as is or are hereinbefore directed provided and declared concerning his her or their original share or shares respectively
And upon further trust that in case there shall not be any child of the said Margaret Carter who shall live to become entitled to the said last mentioned one fourth part or share Stocks funds and Securities then that they my said trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors Admors or Assigns shall and do from and after the decease of the said Margaret Carter and such failure of her issue living to become entitled as aforesaid pay transfer and assign the same and every part thereof unto such person or persons in such shares proportions and manner in all respects as the said Margaret Carter by any deed or writing under her hand and seal executed in the presence of two or more credible Witnesses shall direct or appoint
And in default of such direction appointment Upon trust to pay assign and transfer the same unto the Executors Admors and Assigns of the said Margaret Carter absolutely
Provided always and I do declare that when any sale shall take place or any monies be received under and in pursuance of the trusts of this my Will the receipts and receipt of the said John Pelly Atkins and George Woodcock or the Survivors or Survivor of them his Exors or Admors or other the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my Will shall be a good and sufficient discharge and discharges to any purchaser or purchasers or other person or persons for his her or their respective purchase money or so much thereof as in such receipt or receipts shall be acknowledged to have been received and that such purchaser or purchasers or other person or persons his her or their heirs Exors Admors or Assigns shall not afterwards be answerable or accountable for any loss misapplication or nonapplication or such purchase or other money or any part thereof or be in any wise obliged or concerned to see or attend to the application thereof
Proved always and I do hereby declare that in case the said John Pelly Atkins and George Woodcock or either of them or any future trustees shall die or become desirous to be discharged of and from or refuse decline or neglect or become incapable to act in the several trusts hereby in them reposed as aforesaid before the same trusts shall be fully executed and performed Then and in such case and when and so often as the same shall happen it shall and may be lawful to and for the Survivors or Survivor or others or other of my said trustees for the time being and they and he are and is hereby directed and required with all convenient speed to nominate substitute and appoint any other person or persons to be a trustee or trustees in the place or stead of the present or any succeeding trustee or trustees who shall so die or be desirous to be discharged of and from or refuse decline neglect or become incapable to act in the said several trusts And that when and as often as any new trustee or trustees shall be so nominated and appointed as aforesaid all the trust Stocks funds securities monies property and premises which were vested in the trustee or trustees so dying or desiring to be discharged or refusing neglecting declining or becoming incapable to act as aforesaid shall be thereupon with all convenient speed conveyed assigned and transferred in such sort and manner as that the same may be legally and effectually vested in the Surviving or continuing former trustee or trustees if there be one and such new trustee or trustees but if there be no surviving or continuing trustee then in such new trustees only Upon the trusts hereinbefore declared of and concerning the same trust stocks funds Securities monies property and premises the trustee or trustees whereof shall so die or be desirous of being discharged or refuse neglect decline or become incapable to act as aforesaid but that any such new trustee or trustees shall and may in all things act and Assist in the management carrying on and Execution of the trusts to which he or they shall be so appointed as fully and effectually in all respects and to all intents and purposes and with the same powers in all respects as if he or they had been originally in and by this my Will nominated and appointed trustee or trustees for the purposes for which he or they shall be so appointed trustee or trustees and as the said trustees of the said trust Stocks funds securities monies property and premises hereby appointed are or would be enable to do or could have done respectively under or by virtue of this my Will or any thing herein contained or implied or otherwise if such original trustees had been living and continuing to act under or in execution of the trusts and powers hereby in them reposed or to them given
And I do also nominate constitute and appoint the said John Pelly Atkins and George Woodcock Executors of this my Will and Testament
Provided always And I do hereby further declare that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said John Pelly Atkins and George Woodcock & other the trustee or trustees to be appointed as aforesaid and to & for each and every of them their and each and every of their heirs Executors and Administrators respectively by and out of all or any of the trust monies Stocks funds securities and premises and the Interest dividends and proceeds thereof to deduct retain and reimburse to himself and themselves & to all or to his and their Cotrustee & Costrustees from time to time respectively all such costs charges damages and expences as they and every or any of them shall be put unto pay suffer or sustain for or by reason of any of the trusts hereby in them reposed or in the management or execution thereof or for or by reason of any other matter or thing in any wise relating thenreto the allowance of which costs shall be regulated by the methods practised between Solicitor and Client and not as between party and party
And that they my said several trustees or any of them their or any of their Executors Administrators or Assigns shall not be answerable or accountable the one for the other or others of them or for the acts receipts neglect or defaults of the other or others of them but each and every of them for himself and herself & his or her and their own acts receipts neglects or defaults only nor shall they or any of them or any of their Exors Admors or Assigns be answerable or accountable for any more monies than what shall be received by or actually come to his or their hands by virtue of or under the trusts by this my Will reposed or to be reposed in them or any or either of them nor shall they or any or either of them be answerable or accountable for any bank bankers broker Agent receiver or any other person with whom or in whose hands the said trust monies and premises or the dividends or interest thereof or any part thereof shall or may be deposited or lodged for safe custody in the Execution of the aforesaid trusts so as that the same do or shall happen without his or their wilful default nor for the insufficiency or deficiency of any security or securities Stocks or funds in or upon which the said trust monies or any part thereof are or shall be placed out or invested nor for any loss damage or misfortune which may happen in the Execution of the aforesaid trusts or any or either of them or in relation thereto unless the same shall happen by or through his or their own wilful default but shall be acquitted and saved harmless in respect of all such matters and things as shall be done by him her them or any or either of them pursuant to his my Will in the execution or management of the several trusts hereby in them reposed
And I the said Elizabeth Jordan hereby revoking and making void all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Jordan the testatrix have to this my last Will and Testament contained in nine Sheets of paper set my hand and seal that is to say my hand to the eight first sheets and to this ninth and last sheet my hand and seal this third day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty four
Elizabeth Jordan
Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said testatrix Elizabeth Jordan as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other set our hands as Witnesses to the due Execution thereof
Elizabeth Children
Thos Clarke
Proved at London 27 January 1827 before the Judge by the Oaths of John Pelly Atkins and George Woodcock Clerk the Executors to whom Admon was granted being first sworn duly to Administer
Bank of England Wills Extracts 1717-1845
No 103030 Elizabeth Jordan of Hickling, Nottinghamshire Widow died possessed of £12768.1.10 Consols 78 7/8 £10070.16.7
And by her Will dated 3 September 1824 Attested by two Witnesses appointed John Pelly Atkins and The Reverend George Woodcock clerk Executors to whom Probate was granted at Doctors Commons 27 January 1827
In the Will are the following Words
And whereas under and by virtue of an Indenture bearing date the twentieth day of May one thousand eight hundred and twelve and made between the said John Thomas Jordan therein described of Hickling aforesaid Clerk my said late Husband deceased and me the said Elizabeth Jordan then his Wife therein described as the Sister and residuary legatee named in and by the last Will and Testament of Robert Thomas Cromp then late of West Malling in the County of Kent Deceased of the one part and Sir Richard Brooke deCapel Brooke Bart The Reverend Richard Jordan Clk and the said William Cook of the other part the stock or sum of twenty four thousand pounds three per cent consolidate Bank Annuities is now standing in the names of the said Sir Richard Brooke deCapel Brooke Richard Jordan and William Cook in the Books of the Bank of England and is held by them in consequence of the events which have happened since the day and execution of the same Indenture upon the following Trusts now I the said Elizabeth Jordan in pursuance and in exercise and execution of the power to me in that behalf given limited or reserved in or by means of the said hereinbefore recited Indenture and by virtue and in exercise and execution of all and every other power and powers Authority and Authorities whatsoever in any wise enabling me thereto do by this my last Will and Testament in writing signed sealed and delivered in the presence of and attested by the two credible persons whose names are intended to be hereupon indorsed as Witnesses attesting the signing sealing and delivery of this my Will by me the said Elizabeth Jordan direct appoint give and bequeath the said stock or sum of twenty four thousand pounds as aforesaid now standing in the names of the said Sir Richard Brooke deCapel Brooke Richard Jordan and William Cook in the Books of the Bank of England and the Interest Dividends and annual proceeds thereof subject to the payment of the said Annuity of three hundred pounds to the said Maria Pye if the same shall be subsisting at the time of my decease and also all sum and sums of money and interest thereon due and owing to me as Executrix and residuary Legatee of my said late Husband from the said William Cook and also all monies securities for money and all and singular other my property Goods Chattels and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature kind or quality soever the same may be or consist whether in possession reversion remainder expectancy or otherwise howsoever of or to which I am possessed or entitled under or by virtue of the said Will of my late Husband or in any manner or by any other means whatsoever save and except such part of my said Household goods and furniture and other property goods chattels and effects as I have hereinbefore specifically given and disposed of unto John Pelly Atkins and the said George Woodcock their Executors administrators and assigns absolutely nevertheless upon the Trusts and to and for the intents and purpose hereinafter by the my Will expressed and declared of and concerning the same that is to say upon Trust
£12768.1.10 Consols To be transferred into the Names of John Pelly Atkins & The Reverend George Woodcock the Executors and Devisees In Trust and left at their disposal.