Richard Julian of Hose 1628 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1628
Memorandum that the 24th daye of December Anno dom 1628 Richard Julian of Hosse in the Countie of Leicester husbandman made his last will and Testament nuncupative or by word of mouth onely in maner And forme Followinge
First he did Comend his soule to god and his bodie to be buried in the Church yarde of Hosse Abovesayd
Item he gave unto James and Robert Julian the sume of 40tie shillings A peece
Item his will was that his daughter Sara Julian should enter upon her land At the Age of 15 or 16 yeares
Also the rest of his goods Cattells and Chattells lands And livings he bequeathed unto Anne Julian his loving wife, whome he sayd should be the sole executrix of this his last will and Testament nuncupative or by word of mouth in the presence of us George Fullwood and James Kemp wittnesses hereof
George Fullwood
James Kempe
Probate Leicester 14 April 1629