Robert Julian of Hose 1562 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1562/16
In The name of god Amen the Last day of June in the yere of our Lord god mccccclxi I Robert Julyan of Hoosse in the countye of Leicester husbandman being of perfette [lost in fold, “remembrance” or similar] thanks be geven to god do make my Last wyll and testament as hereafter followethe
First I bequethe my soule to the most blessed and gracious trynytye and my bodie to be beried in the churche yeard of Hoosse Afforesayd
Item I geve to the sayd churche iiis iiiid
Item to the churche of Lingcolln iiiid
Item I give to Thomas[MJ1] Warne [?] vi shepe and to his wyffe a matteres a coverlet a boulster and i pare of schetts
Item I geve to Johan Browne xxs in Recommpence of a Cowe whyche was beqwethed her by her father
Item I geve to the childeren of Thomas Wright of … on Cowe and I wyll that she be kepeth tyll suche tyme as every on of them have a … of her and then to Remane to the eldest daughter of the sayd Thomas
Item I geve to the Chyldren of Wyllm Rowsse of … another Cowe to be used to ther profyte Lyke the other cow
Item I geve to every child that the sayd Thomas and Wyllm hathe on one schepe
The Resydewe of my goods my detts and funerall chargs payd I Geve to Gregorye Julyan whom I make my full executor and I make Thomas Wright and Wyllm Rowsse affore sayd the governers of hym and his part and to see my farme … for his profytte tyll he come to Lawfull age and To ether of them for ther Labors I geve xxs and I make master George Pursrey of Dreatan and maystres Sawant supervysars of my wyll dessyreing them and my speciall trust is in them to be good to my said child and helpe hym in … Right and to see thys my wyll fulfylled and I geve to Ather of them for ther Labors xls
And I Renounce and Fore sake all others wylls by me heretofore made and declare this to be my Last wyll and Testament
Thes being wyttnes Sir John … Clarke Robert Myller and John Spenser wythe others
Thes be detts that Robert Julyan owithe | |
In primis To Johnson of Newarke | xiii li xiiis iiiid |
Item To Ales Warme | iiii li |
Item To John Browne | xxs |
Item To Thomas Kempe | xxvis viiid |
Item to Ezabell … | viiis |
Item to Wyllm Smythe | xls |
Item to Thomas Kempe a quarter of wheate and a quarter of peasse | xxviiis |
Probate 16 August 1562