William Julian of Hose 1740 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1740
In The Name of God Amen
I William Julian of the Parish of Hose in County of Leicester Wever Being Mindful of Mortalilty Do make this my Last will & Testament in the following manner & forme viz
Imprimis I Give Unto my Sister Elizabeth Wade the Sum of one Shilling of Good & Lawful money to be paid unto her by my Executrix
Item I Give Unto my Sister Mary Brown the Sum of one Shilling of Good & Lawfull money to be paid unto her by my Executrix
Item I Give to my well Beloved Wife Ann Julian Whom I Constitute make & Ordain my Sole Executrix of this my Last will & Testament all & Singular my Messuages & Tenements Goods & Chattles of What kind so Ever by her freely to be possessed & Injoyed & I Do hereby Utterly Disalow revoke & Disanul all and Every other former Testaments wills Legacies & Bequests and Executors by me at any times before named Ratifying and Confirming this & no Other to be my Last Will & Testament
In Wittness Whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal this 5th Day of April 1729
William Julian his Mark
Signed Sealed published & Declared by the Said William Julian as his Last will & Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers
Wm Chamberlain
Robert Julian
Anne Julyan Widow the within named Extrix was Sworn the 13th October 1740
Before us Geo: Newell