Elizabeth Keal of Long Clawson 1763 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1763/162
In the name of God amen I Elizabeth Keal of Long Claxton otherwise Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Maiden being mindful of my mortality do make and ordain this my last Will and testament in Manner following
Imprimis I give to my Cousin Elizabeth Bishop of Asfordby Widow the sum of Five pounds
Also I give to my Cousin Joseph Fox of Twyford the sum of Four Pounds
Also I give to Cousin John Henson Fox the sum of Four Pounds & it is my will that if my said Cousin John Henson Fox do not survive me that his legacy shall go to his Wife & family
Also I give to my Cousin Elizabeth Valentine of the County of the Town of Nottingham Widow the sum of Four pounds
Also I give to my Cousin Mary Lovesuch in the parish of Wimeswould the sum of Four pounds
Also I give to my Cousin Katharine Merryman of Wimeswould aforesaid the sum of Four pounds, & my Will and mind is that all these aforenamed Legacies be paid by my Executors hereafter named to the respective Legatees or their Order within six months after my decease
Also I give to the poor of Abb Kettleby one Guinea to be given by my Executors in such manner as they see needful & Expedient to be distributed within Six Kalendar Months after my decease
Also all the then residue of my goods, Chattels, and personal Estate of what kind soever after all the aforesaid Legacies are paid & my just debts & funeral Expences are discharged I give to my Brothers Thomas & William Keal to be divided equally betwixt them, whom I hereby nominate & Appoint full & Joint Executors of this my Will revoking all former Wills at any time by me made, confirming this only as my Last Will and Testament, in wittness whereof I the said testator do hereby set my hand and Seal this Thirteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred & Sixty three
Elizabeth Keal
Signed sealed and declared by the aforesaid testator for and as her last Will in the presence of us who have Subscribed our Names as Wittnesses thereto
Wm Barnes
John Campan
Thomas Keal & William Keal the within mentioned Joint Executors made Oath that All Elisabeth Keals personal Estate at the time of her Death (their late sister Deceased) was not worth Twenty pounds, & were sworn
Before me Thomas Myddelton Surrogt
This 21st day of June 1763