John Kingston of Long Clawson 1748 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1748
In the Name of God amen, I John Kingston of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Chirirgion Do this Twenty second Day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred And fourty Seven Make this My Last Will and Testament in Manner following That is to Say
First I commend My Soul to God My Creator And My Body I commit to the Earth to be Decently Buried at the Discression of My Executor here after Mentioned And for My Temporal Estate I dispose of the same as follows (to whit)
I Give and Devise Unto My Eldest Son John Kingston and his heirs All that My Messuage Cottage or Tenement and home Close thereto belonging, with the appurtenances Sittuate and Standing in Clawson afore Said, now in Possession of the said John Kingston and which was heretofore the Estate of My Late wife to hold the same Unto My Said Son John Kingston & his heirs for ever
Also I give to My son Francis Kingston the sum of One Shilling
Also I give to my Son Thomas Kingston the Sum of five pounds
Also I give to My Son Joseph Kingston the sum of fifteen pounds
Also I Give to My Daughter Sarah Kingston the sum of Twenty pounds
Also I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Kingston the sum of Twenty pounds
And My Mind & will is that the above Legacies shall be paid Six Months after My Discease
All the Rest of My Goods Cattle Chattles and personal Estate of What kind soever and wheresoever My Debts Legacies & funeral Expences being first paid & Discharged I give & bequeath the same to My Son William Kingston whom I hereby appoint full & Sole Executor of this My Last Will hereby Revoking all former Wills by Me Made Declaring this to be my Last will & Testament
In Wittness whereof I the Said John Kingston have hereunto set my Hand & Seal the Day & Year Above Written
John Kingston
Signed Sealed published & Declared by the said John Kingston the Testator for and as his Last will & Testament in the presence of us whose names are Under Subscribed as Wittnesses in his presence & at his request
John Hawley
Sarah Burroughs
Thomas Burroughs
The Twenty Third Day of June 1748 William Kingston the sole Executor within named was sworne
Before Us Richard Grey
An Inventory of the Goods Cattle and Chattles of John Kingston Deceased May the 28th 1748 And Interred the 29th Instant and Appraised the 30th by us John Markley and John Hawley of Long Clawson as follows
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis His purse and Apparel | 2 | ||
Things in the House, The Oval Table & the Dresser & Fire Iron, Chears, Pewter &c | 1 | 12 | |
The Warming pan & Bacon on the Slatt | 1 | ||
The … & Books & Bottles | 1 | 10 | |
Things in the Parlour A hanging Press, 2 Chests, 2 Boxes, 2 Beds and Bedding | |||
& the Clock | 3 | 15 | |
Things in the Kitchen, the Copper | 0 | 15 | |
The Potts and Panns | 1 | ||
The Chees press, Tubbs, Barrels, Kitts, & Levin Tubb | 1 | 5 | |
The Spade and Garden Shears | 4 | ||
Things in the Dary, The Panchins & Earthen Potts | 1 | ||
Things in the Chamber over the House, Malt, Chees & Chees Board &c | 2 | ||
Things in the Chamber over the Parlour for Corn | 1 | 10 | |
One Bed & Beding & 2 Chests | 1 | 5 | |
Things in the Chamber over the Kitchen, A bed & Beding & Hanging & a Table | 4 | ||
Things in the Barn, Hay & 2 Carts Ladders &c | 1 | 2 | 6 |
Things in the Yard a Pigg & Trough | 10 | 9 | |
2 Cows & a Heifer at £2 10s each | 7 | 10 | |
A Yearling Calf | 1 | 5 | |
A Rearing Calf | 7 | 6 | |
The Mare and Tackle | 4 | ||
8 Sheep at | 3 | 15 | |
The Crop of Grass and Corn, The Pease 5 Strike at 5d per Strike | 1 | 5 | |
5 Strike of Barley at [blank] per Strike | 2 | 4 | |
The Grass Ground | 1 | 10 | |
To £ | 45 | 11 | 9 |
John Mackley
John Hawley