Robert Kirkby of Saxelby 1680 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, PR/T/1680/75
In the name of God Amen August the 4th Ao Dom 1680 I Robert Kirkby of Saxleby in the County of Leicester Clerke beinge infirme & weake of Body but of good & perfect memory (praysed be the Lord for the same) doe devise ordaine & make this my Last Will & Testament in manner & forme following that is to say
First I give & bequeath my Soule to Allmighty God my Creator hopeing & verrily assuring myself through the Lord his mercies & the All sufficient Merits of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour & Redeemer to be partaker of Life everlastinge And my Body I bequeath to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in Christian burial in the Church of Saxleby aforesayd as neere to my deare Children as conveniently may be at the discretion of my Executrix & for the worldly Goodes which it hath pleased the Lord to lend me I give bequeath & despose of them as followeth
Imprimis I devise & give all my Land arrable meadow & pastuer with all Comons & Comon of pastuer & all other its appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or therewith used occupied & inioyed as parte & appurtn: of the same being formerly purchased of one Robert Smart of Claxton alis Longe Clawson in the County of Leicester aforesaide black=smyth lying & being in the west field liberties & precincts of Clawson alis Claxton foresaid & now in the tenure & occupacon of Thomas Key of Longe Clawson aforesaid Shephard unto Anne Kirkby my Loveing wife for & dureinge the terme of her natural life & from & after her death I devise & give all & singular the before mentioned premises with all & every the Appurtenances unto my Loveing brother John Kirkby of Saxleby aforesayd (if hee then be Living) for & dureing his naturall life & after his death I devise & give all & singular the before mentioned premises &c unto the poore of the towne of Saxleby aforesayd for ever to be let & set by the successive Overseers of the saide towne to the only use & behoofe of the poore people of the said towne the rents & profitts or yearly income whereof to be distributed to the most necessitous persons of the said towne at the discretion of the Rector together with the Overseers then being to be payde & distributed on St Thomas day every yeare successively unto the most necessitous people aforesayd & I intreate Mr Clement Nedham & Mr John Ludlam of Saxleby aforesayd to be my Trustees & their heires & Assignes to see my Will herein performed
Item I doe devise give & bequeath unto my Loveinge wife Anne Kirkby aforesayd all the one quarter of one Oxgange of Land of arrable meadow & pasture ground with the Appurtenances whatsoever lying & being within the west end fields libties & precincts of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesayd in the said County of Leic: now in the tenure of occupation of Elizabeth Marriot alis Hebb her Assigne or Assignes & which was formerly bought & purchased of Richard Hickling late of Claxton &c aforesayd yeoman deceased to hold the same unto the saide Anne & her Assignes for & dureing the terme of her naturall life & from & after her death I doe give devise & bequeath the sd one quarter of one Oxgange of Land with the Appurtenances unto my Loveing Brother John Kirkby aforesayd to have & inioy (if hee be then Living) dureing his naturall Life & after his decease I doe give devise & bequeath the sd one quarter of one Oxgange of Land with the Appurtenances unto Henry Marriot my Cosin Son of the sayd Elizabeth Marriot alis Hebb & to his Assigne & Assignes neverthelesse upon this express proviso & Condicon that if hee the sd Henry Marriot his heirs or Assignes doe & shall not onely … & … pay or cause to be payde (immediately after my wifes & brothers death) the summe of ten Pounds of Lawfull money of England unto such person or persons to whom I doe hereby give & bequeath the same But allsoe doe & shall at all times & from time to time from & after my sd wifes & brothers death well & truly pay or cause to be pd unto the most necessitous poore people of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesd for ever the yearly summe of twenty shillings of lawfull money of England by & with the consent of & approbation of the Minister & Overseers of the Poore of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesd for the time being yearly & every yeare at the feast of St Thomas the Apostle & in case the sd Henry Marriot his heires or Assignes doe or shall at any time hereafter make failer or default of payment of either the sd ten pounds or the yearly twenty shillings or any parcel thereof at the severall dates & times before appointed for the payment thereof then my mind & will is & I doe hereby devise give & bequeath the sd one quarter of one Oxgange of Land with the appurtenances unto my Loveing friends Robert Hickling & Thomas Hickling of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesd yeomen & to their heires & Assignes In trust Nevertheless & to the end & intent that they or the surviver of them & his heires shall by Lease or demise thereof or by sale of some parte thereof raise & pay the sd ten Pounds to such person or persons as I doe hereby give the same & if Henry Marriot afordsd hath payd the ten poundes that hee be repayd the same if hee parte with the beforesd land And after the sd ten Pounds is raised & payd then to the Intent & purpose that they the sayd Robert Hickling & Thomas Hickling & the survivor of them & his heires shall by vertue hereof stand & be seized of all the sd one quarter of one Oxgange of Land with the Appurtenances for the end aforesayd or for much thereof as shall be unsold to the use & behoofe of the the sd poore people of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesayd for ever to the Intent & purpose that the rents issues & profits thereof shall for ever after at the feast aforesayd be payd & distributed unto & amongst the sd poore people by & with the consent & approbation aforesayd without any further or other use intent or purpose to of or for the sd Henry Marriot his heires or Assignes
Item I give & devise all that certaine tenement or dwelling house with all such Barnes buildings edifices outhouses yards or Orchards & gardens whatsoever thereunto belonging allsoe two certaine Closes or peeces of ground enclosed lying & being & neere adioyning & occupied with the sd house togeather with all the Land arrable meadow & pasture with Comon of pasture with all & singaular their Appurtenents & Appurtenances whatsoever lying & being in the fields Liberties & precincts of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesayd & now or late in the tenure or occupation of Ralph Watkin of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesayd Shephard unto Anne Kirkby my Loveing wife & I give her full power & authoritie to sell this Last mentioned estate wherein the aforesayd Ralph Watkin doth now dwell & which hee doth possess as aforesayd & every parte & parcel of the same when shee shall thinke convenient for the ends & uses hereafter mentioned
Item I give unto Robert Hardall of Claxton aforesayd twenty shillings
Item I give unto Michael Harall [sic] of Welby twenty shillings
Item I give unto every one of the Children of Henry Marriott Late of Claxton twenty shillings I say unto every one of them
Item I give unto the Children of Richard Squier of Kinolton in the County of Nottingham which were begotten of Jane Kirkby alis Squire his late wife five shillings unto every one of them
Item I give unto Margaret Stableford of Over Broughton twenty shillings
Item I give unto Elizabeth Kirkby my now Servant five Poundes
Item I give unto my Loveing brother John Kirkby all my note Bookes & notes with my … Bible
Item I give unto his wife five shillings to buy her a payer of gloves
Item I give unto William the sonne of John Woodhouse gent of Sheriffhales in the County of Salop twenty shillings
Item I give unto Henry Sanderson or Rearsby one shilling
Item I give unto his wife Rebecca Sanderson twenty shillings
Item I give unto each of their Children Alice & Elizabeth Sanderson twenty shillings apeece
Item I give unto my Loveing Brother John Kirkby Fourtie Poundes
Lastly I doe constitute make ordaine & appoint my Loveing wife Anne Kirkby to be the Executrix of me & of this my Last Will & Testament provided that shee pay or cause to be payd all the Legacies by me bequeathed or to be bequeathed according to this my will & out of my estate as aforesayd which I give her power to sell … that Tenement with the Appurtenances which Ralph Watkin of Claxton aforesayd holdeth
I give her full power & Authority to give & despose of one hundred Pounds as shee pleaseth & that moreover five & fourty Poundes be payd to the heires of her father being the Summe for a Closse sould which was his being according to his will & if … which Ralph Watkin holdeth will not be sould for soe much as will make one hundred fourtie & five Poundes then it is my Will that what is wanting shall be made up out of the Remainder of my Estate
& for the Remainder of my estate & Goodes undisposed of (my Executrix bringing me decently to the ground my debts if any be & my funerall Charges being first … & …) I say the Remainder of my Goodes & Estate undisposed of I give & bequeath unto my Loveing Brother John Kirkby (if hee be liveing) & if hee be dead I give the same [blank half line]
Lastly I desire my Loveing Brother John Kirkby (if hee be living) to be the Supervisor of this my last Will & Testament & I give twenty shillings unto him for the same
Thus I make constitute & appoint this to be my Last Will & Testament
Wittnesse my hand & seale heere unto placed the day & year first above written
Robert Kirkby
Sealed & delivered in the presence of
Francis Hollingshead
The marke of Thomas Gamble
The mark of Charles Stringer
The marke of Thomas Simson
A true Inventory of the goods Cattells & Chattells of Robert Kirkby of Saxelby in the County of Leic Clarke deceased taken the Eight day of September 1680 by Thomas Gamble the Elder of Saxelby aforesaid yeoman & Richard Levers of Long Clawson also Claxton …
£ | s | d | |
His purse & Apparell | 12 | 07 | 00 |
His plate | 07 | 00 | 00 |
In the hall | |||
5 Tables a Settle Table 12 Chaires & 3 Stooles | 02 | 00 | 0 |
2 Old Carpetts | 00 | 1 | 0 |
A Clocke | 01 | 15 | 0 |
In the Parler | |||
1 Table 1 Cupbert 8 Chaires 4 old Cushins a Carpett Andirons a Small looking | |||
glasse & severall glasse bottles | 02 | 10 | 0 |
In the little parlour | |||
2 Bedsteads a feather bed 2 boulsters 2 pillows 2 blankets an old presse old | |||
Boxes & other Trumpery | 03 | 0 | 0 |
In the Buttery & 2 small appartments | |||
12 shelves 7 barrills 2 Leather Jacks a thrashe 5 wheeles a schreen & severall | |||
small thinges | 01 | 10 | 0 |
Pewter and brasses 22 pewter dishes 7 plates 3 porringers 2 Candlesticks | |||
4 Salts 4 Chamber potts 2 Basons 26 Spoons a flaggon & … dishes | 03 | 3 | 0 |
3 brasse potts 12 small pans a warming pan scumer & Candlestick | 2 | 10 | 0 |
Coles | 01 | 10 | 0 |
Pestell & morter | 00 | 02 | 0 |
In the great Chamber | |||
2 Bedsteads 2 Tables a Cupbord 1 Chaire 5 stooles a … chaire a lookinge glasse | |||
4 Trunks a Chest fire shovel Andirons & tongues | 02 | 0 | 0 |
2 feather beds Curtaines & valances 1 bolster 4 pillowes 6 blanketts a | |||
Counterpain some old hangings & … | 04 | 0 | 0 |
His bookes | 04 | 0 | 0 |
In the midle Chamber | |||
1 Tub a bedstead 2 Coffers a stoole an other Tub Mattrise 4 old blanketts | |||
a Rugg a bolster Shelves & some other old things | 02 | 00 | 0 |
In the green Chamber | |||
A bedstead feather bed [lost in fold] a bolster matterice Coverlid 2 Tubbs | |||
2 Thrawles 2 Shelves a sadle pillion sacks 2 stepps 1 Table Butter cheese | |||
& bacon | 00 | 5 | 0 |
17 paire of Sheetes about 1 dozen of Napkins 16 pillowbears Table Linnen | |||
Harden cloth & other old Linen | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Mault Rie wheate barley thrasht | 02 | 0 | 0 |
3 Cows | 04 | 0 | 0 |
4 loads of barley & 4 of pease | 03 | 10 | 0 |
Hay | 02 | 10 | 0 |
2 Swine | 00 | 05 | 0 |
Severall fire irons pansions peales churne & other old Lumber | 00 | 15 | 0 |
Severall boards fixt in appartments a Copper … yet disputable whether | |||
…able or not | |||
Debts owinge to the Testator | |||
By Robert Hubbert | 42 | 12 | 0 |
Upon bond (…) | |||
By Mr George Hubbert | 20 | 0 | 0 |
By Edw: Moore & Tho: Garton | 20 | 0 | 0 |
By Tho: Garton & Tho: Hicklin | 20 | 0 | 0 |
By Tho: Stoakes | 10 | 6 | 0 |
By Tho: Marriott and Richard Julian | 14 | 0 | 0 |
By Tho: Gamble jun | 02 | 0 | 0 |
By Tho: Gamble sen | 02 | 1 | 8 |
By Tho: G… | 03 | 1 | 0 |
There are some … dues owinge by severall of the parish whom … … about | 00 | 10 | 0 |
Sum Tot | 204 | 13 | 8 |
Rich Levers [his mark]
Thomas Gamble [his mark]
Exhibited 4 September 1680