Robert Knapp of Ab Kettleby 1578 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1578
In dei noie amen the xviiith daie of December Anno dni 1577 I Robert Knappe of Apkettilbie in the countie of Leicester weaver, make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner & forme folowinge
Fyrst I bequieth my soule unto allmightie god Assuringe my self of salvation throwghe Jhesus christ my redemer, and my bodie to be buryed in the parishe churche yearde of Apekettilbie Aforesaid
Item I give and bequiethe unto my children the one half of all my goodes my debts beinge paide
Item I give and bequiethe unto Margaret my wife the other half of all my goods whom I make whole and sole executrixe of this my last will and testament
Wytnesse hereof xpofer Holmes vycar Willyam Caunte and Robert Crosse the yonger with others
Probate Melton Mowbrary 30 February 1577/8
An Inventorie of all the goods and cattle of Robart Knapp of Abkettlebie in the countie of Leicester … [wever?] taken & prysed by John Nealle Richard Spicke & Wm Caunte of the same towne the xxith daye of December anno dni 1578 as foloweth
Inprimis his apparel | vs |
Itm coverlets five | xxiiis iiiid |
Itm three boulsters & five pillows | xiis |
Itm foure paire of shets two pelowe beares & one borde clothe | xiis |
Itm two bedsteeds five coffers iii tubbes iii pales with rest of the wodden stuffe in the house | xiis iiiid |
Itm one ambre, a table, a forme, a cheare, a spit, a cobbe iron, a coole hatchit a fire iron, with | |
the iron hangings about the fyre | viiis |
Itm three pans two pottes xiii peics of pewter, thre salts & thre candlesticks | xxvis viiid |
Itm the whole shoppe with appendix | xxvs |
Itm one cowe | xxxs |
Itm on ould cowe and a calfe | xxiiis iiiid |
Itm a lood of cooles | iiis iiiid |
Itm two towels ii pillow beares, five napkins an ell of carsye, iii sheets a mattres | xviis |
Itm a chist | iiis |
Itm a pigge | iiis |
Itm twoo flyches of bacon | iiiis |
Itm a scuttle & ii seves | vid |
Itm a hovell haye & peasse | xs |
Suma totalis | x li xviiis vid |
The parcels of debts which he did owe at his deathe amountethe to xvs iiid