Robert Knott of Long Clawson 1615 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1615/120
In the name of god Amen this xxxth September in the yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne James by the grace of god of Englande France & Irlande kinge defender of the faith &c the twelvth of Scotland fourtie & eight I Robarde Knott of Claxton als Clauston in the countie of Leceister husbandman beeinge of good & perfect memorye praysed be god but sicke of bodye doe make & ordayne this my laste will & testament in manner followinge
First I give and bequeath my soule to god that gave it and my bodie to bee buried in the church yarde of the parishe church of Claxton aforesaid
Itim I give unto Richard Knott my eldest sonne tenne poundes of Lawfull englishe money to be paied to him within 2 yeares next after my discease & I give him my best mattrisse 1 payre of sheets 1 blankett 2 boulsters 1 pillow 2 bed hillinges I also give him his bedstead that hee nowe lieth in & my will is that he have also his chamber to his use where in he nowe lieth whilest he remayneth a bachelor (over & besides what he hath alreadie) in full satisfaction of his childes part
Itim I give unto my sonne Andrewe Knott xls of lawfull money of England in like manner to bee payed unto him within 2 yeares next after my discease
Itim I give unto my sonne Henrye Knott vs And to either of his children vs a peece
Itim I give unto my daughter Johne Man a Hive of Bees or vis viiid at my executors discretion And to her child 1 Ewe hogge
Itim whereas I received into my handes the sume of three poundes of the goodes of Thomas Dubledaye late of Asforbye deceased towardes the satisfaction of the portion dewe unto his sonne William Dubledaye … I keepe of charitie my mynde and will is that the saied three poundes shall be payed unto the sayed William when he commeth to the age of xxities years And if hee rest thereof satisfied and doe quietly make a generall acquittance to my executors then my will is further that he shall have Thirtie shillinges more of my goods payed unto him at the same time or els not
Itim I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Hall my Ombrye & a mattresse 1 payre of hemton sheets 1 Coverled 1 blanckett & foure shillinges yearlye dueringe her naturall life and att her discease to every one of her other 4 children iiis iiiid
Item I give unto my daughter Isabell wife to Valentine Wormewell a blacke heafer at Maye daye next in satisfaction of her childes portion
Itim I give unto the daughter of my sonne in lawe George Marriott which he had by my daughter Elnor 1 Ewe lame
Itim I give unto Dorothye Wythenshawe my wyves syster 1 strike of male
Itim I give unto Alice Huckerbye my wyves syster xiid
Itim I give to the repayreinge of church of Claxton xiid
Itim I give to the poore of Claxton iiis 4d to bee distributed at the discretion of the overseers of the poore then beeing & my executor
Itim I give to everye one of my god children beeinge unmarried iiiid
Itim I give unto Robert Knott the sonne of my sonne of William Knott a colt of two yeares old to be put forward presently after my death And to him I give also my best trusse bedstead and my best brass pott
Itim I give unto Richarde Knott the second sonne of my foresaied sonne William Ewe hogge presently to goe forwarde for him
Itim I give unto William Knott the yongest of my sonne William his sonnes the trundle bedstead & one Ewe lambe
Itim I give unto my daughter Knott the wyfe of my foresaied sonne William vis 8d And if it please god that shee survive both me and her husband that nowe is I give her halfe my farme dueringe her wyddowehood
The rest of all my goodes & chattells moveable and unmoveable whatsoever unbequeaved I give to my foresaied sonne William Knott whome I make & ordayne the onely & full executor of this my last will & testament to see the same performed and my bodye reverently and honestly brought to the grounde
And lastly I ordayne & make Richarde Guye thelder & William Guye of Claxton overseers of this my last will & testament giving to either of them for theire paynes xiid
Testes huius testament sunt
Thomas Wright Scriptor
Willm Guye
Richard Guy
Robt Bell his marke
Probate 18 April 1615