Cornelius Launder of Nottingham 1806 Will
Privately owned copy held with property deeds
Also at the National Archives PROB 11/1453/95
Dated 24th November 1804
24th September 1805
Attested Copies
Probate Copies of the Will and Codicil of Cornelius Launder Esqr deceased
This is the last Will and Testament of me Cornelius Launder of the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham Esquire
I give and devise All my share right title and interest of and in the Chambers in the Middle Temple London now in the possession of Joseph Doe Cooke Esquire and Charles Farnshaw Esquire and also all that my messuage in the said Town of Nottingham wherein I now dwell with the outbuildings and Appurtenances thereto belonging And also all that piece of land lying near to the said Messuage and in the occupation of Mr Amys And also all that my Tenement with the Yard garden Outbuildings and Appurtenances thereto belonging situate in or near a certain place in the Town of Nottingham aforesaid called the Week Day Cross and now in the occupation of Mrs Caunt And also all those my several Messuages or Tenements with the appurtenances situate in Castle gate and Walnut tree Lane in the Town of Nottingham aforesaid and now or late in the several tenures or occupations of Mr Bardsley Miss Farrance [?] Mr Thompson Mr Bellamy Widow Churchill and others And also all that Garden with the Appurtenances situate near Saint Nicholas’s Workhouse in the town of Nottingham aforesaid now or late in the tenure of Richard Price Gardener and also all that other Garden situate in or near Walnut tree Lane aforesaid now or late in the tenure of Mr Beardsley [sic Beardsley here and a Mr Bardsley above] and Mr Bellamy and also all that my paddock with the appurtenances situate in Chesterfield Lane in the Town of Nottingham aforesaid now in my own possession And also all those my several messuages or tenements with the shops warehouses buildings yards gardens and appurtenances to the same belonging situate near to the Town of Nottingham aforesaid and in the Hamlet or place called Brewhouse Yard in the County of Nottingham or the Liberties thereof and also that passage leading to a Place called Mortimer’s hole in or near the said place called Brewhouse Yard And also all and every my Manors Advowsons Messuages Cottages farms closes lands tenements chief rents parts and shares hereditaments and premises whatsoever situate lying and being in Elton Willoughby Southwell Owthorpe Broughton Sulney and Hickling in the County of Nottingham and in Bottesford in the County of Leicester and in Grantham in the County of Lincoln and at Whittington Hedge alias High Hedge Unston alias Overston Aparknowle Handley Dronfield Duffield Washington Brackenfield Hognaston Shilbourne Dalby and Belpar in the County of Derby And also all my customary or copyhold messuages cottages closes lands tenements Hereditaments and premises situate at Westhorpe in the County of Nottingham And also all and every other my freehold and customary or copyhold messuages closes lands tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever unto and to the use of my Cousins Frances Launder and Ursula Launder of Basford in the County of Nottingham Spinsters and of their respective heirs and assigns for ever to take as tenants in common and not as joint tenants
I give and bequeath the sum of Twenty Guineas apiece to my two Godsons Octavius Sterland and John Neale to be paid to them respectively at the end of six Calendar Months next after my decease
I give and bequeath to Mr Dutton Scarman of the Inner Temple London the sum of one hundred pounds
I give and bequeath to Samuel Smith late of Wilford in the County of Nottingham Esquire the sum of one hundred pounds Upon Trust to pay the same to the Treasurer of a Society who call themselves the Governors of the General Hospital near Nottingham which sum of one hundred pounds I charge upon my personal Estate for which on payment the Treasurers receipt shall be a sufficient discharge to be paid at the end of Six calendar months next after my decease
I give and bequeath to the said Samuel Smith the sum of Twenty Guineas to purchase a Mourning Ring which I request his acceptance of
I also give and bequeath to the said Frances Launder and Ursula Launder the sum of Twenty Guineas to purchase Twenty Mourning Rings which I request them to distribute amongst my Friends and acquaintances
I give and bequeath to such of my Servants who shall be living with me at the time of my decease one years wages over and above what shall be due to them from me
I give and bequeath the sum of Twenty pounds to the said Frances Launder and Ursula Launder to be paid immediately after my decease Upon Trust that they shall pay and apply the sum of Five pounds part thereof to the poor of the Parish of Elton in the County of Nottingham the like sum of Five pounds further part thereof to the Poor of the Parish of Saint Mary in the Town of Nottingham the like sum of Five pounds further part thereof to the Poor of the Parish of Saint Peter in the said Town of Nottingham and the like sum of Five Pounds the remaining part thereof to the Poor of the Parish of Saint Nicholas in the Town of Nottingham aforesaid
And as to for and concerning all and singular my shares in the Nottingham Waterworks and in any Canals and all my ready money and securities for money money in the funds rent and arrears of rent and all other my goods chattels personal estate and effects of what nature or kind soever and wheresoever (subject nevertheless to the payment thereout of my just debts the Legacies by this my Will given and funeral expences) I do by this my Will give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto and equally between the said Frances Launder and Ursula Launder their Executors Administrators and Assigns
And it is my mind and will and I do hereby direct that my Body shall be interred in the Collins family vault in the Parish Church of Saint Nicholas in the Town of Nottingham aforesaid
And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said Frances Launder and Ursula Launder joint Executrixes of this my Will hereby revoking and making void all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made
In Witness whereof I the said Cornelius Launder the Testator have to this my said Will contained on three sheets of paper set my hand and seal in manner following that is to say to the first sheets thereof set my hand and to this third and last sheet my hand and seal this twenty fourth day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and four
Cors Launder
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Cornelius Launder the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses to the same
Wm Rd Middlemore Solr Nottingham
Saml Green
David Harrison his Clerks
I Cornelius Launder of the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham Esquire do by this writing which I declare to be a Codicil to my last Will and Testament bearing date the twenty fourth day of November last and which I direct to be taken as part thereof give and devise unto my Cousins Frances Launder and Ursula Launder and their heirs All the real Estates now vested in me as a Trustee or as Mortgagee and subject nevertheless to the interest that they may be enabled to convey the same according to the trusts or right of redemption to which such Estates are or shall be subject
And I do hereby ratify and confirm all and every the gifts devises and bequests in and by my said Will made or given
In Witness whereof I have to this Codicil to be annexed to my said Will set my hand and seal the twenty fourth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five
Cors Launder
This writing was signed and sealed by the above named Cornelius Launder and by him published and declared as a Codicil to be annexed to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto
Wm Rd Middlemore Solr Nottingham
Henry Percy Solr Nottm
Saml Greenn Clerk to Messrs Middlemore & Percy
Will and Codicil proved at Canterbury the 12th day of December 1806 by both the Executrixes
This and the two preceding sheets examined and compared with the original Probate Copies Will and Codicil and attested to be true copies thereof by us this 22nd day of May 1840
John Wild Jr ) Clerks to Messrs Percy Smith & Percy
Jn Thos Brown ) Solicitors Nottingham