John Leadbetter of Holwell 1801 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1801
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Leadbeter of Holwell in the County of Leicester Gentleman made this Eleventh day of December in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred in manner following that is to say
Whereas I have in the Life time amply provided for my Sons John Leadbeter and Thomas Leadbeter I do therefore hereby give to my said Son John Leadbeter the Sum of one Shillings and to my said Son Thomas Leadbeter the sum of fifty Pounds to be paid within twelve Months next after my decease
Also I Give unto my Grand Child John Leadbeter the Son of my said Son Thomas Leadbeter the Sum of fifty Pounds to be paid to him at his Age of twenty one Years by my Executors hereinafter named
Also I Give and Devise unto my Son James Leadbeter All that new Allotment situate in the Beck Field in the parish of Harby in the said County of Leicester containing Six Acres and twenty seven perches Allotted to my upon the Inclosure of the late open Common Fields of Harby aforesaid in lieu of half an Oxgang of Land with the Rights of common thereto belonging And Also all other my Lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever situate and being in Harby aforesaid with the Rights Members and appurtenances thereto belonging To hold the same unto and to the Use of my said Son James Leadbeter his heirs and Assigns for ever
Also I Give and bequeath unto my said Son James Leadbeter the Sum of one hundred Pounds to be paid to him within twelve Months after my Decease
Also I Give an Devise unto my Son William Leadbeter all those my two third parts the whole in three Equal parts to be divided of and in All that Messuage or tenement Outbuildings and Appurtenances two homesteads and several Closes or Grounds Inclosed and premises situate and being in Holwell aforesaid containing together about Seventy nine Acres (be the same more or less) and now in my own occupation and which I lately purchased of and from Welby King of Beeby in the said County of Leicester and the tythes thereof To hold the same unto and to the Use of my said Son William Leadbeter for and during the Term of his natural Life without Impeachment of Waste and from and after the determination of that Estate then to the Use of my Cousin John Leadbeter of Little Dalby in the said County of Leicester Grazier and his heirs during the life of my said Son William Leadbeter Upon Trust to support and preserve the contingent Uses and Estates hereinafter limitted from being defeated and destroyed and for that purpose to make Entries and bring Action as the Case shall require but nevertheless to permit and suffer my said Son William Leadbeter and his Assigns during his life to receive and take the Rents and profits thereof and of every part thereof to and for his and their own use and benefit and from and after the decease of my said Son William Leadbeter then to the use of the heirs of his Body lawfully to be begotten and for default of such Issue then I Give and devise the same two third parts of the same premises Unto the second Son of my said Son Thomas Leadbeter that shall be living at the decease of my said Son William Leadbeter without Issue as aforesaid and his heirs and Assigns for ever
And Whereas my Son in Law Thomas Clayton stands indebted unto me upon his Fathers Note of hand bearing date the twenty ninth day of April one thousand seven hundred and Eighty three in the Sum of Forty Pounds and also upon his own Note of hand bearing date the twentieth day of March one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven in the Sum of one hundred Pounds And also in the Sum of forty two Pounds upon the Balance of an unsettled account which he refuses to pay on account of the Demand being out of Date and has otherwise behaved to me in an ungratefull manner I do therefore hereby Give and bequeath unto him the Sum of one shilling only instead of the Sum of three hundred Pounds which I had left him in my former will
And I do hereby Give and bequeath unto my said Son William Leadbeter All the rest residue and remainder of my Monies securities for monies Household Goods furniture plate Linnen China Ware Chattels and personal Estate of what nature soever not hereinbefore disposed of to and for his own use and benefit Subject nevertheless to the payment of all my just Debts funeral Expences the Charges of proving this my Will and the several Legacies hereinbefore mentioned
And I do hereby appoint my said Son William Leadbeter sole Executor of this my Will hereby revoking all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made
In Witness whereof I the said John Leadbeter have to this my last Will and Testament contained in two Sheets of Paper set my hand and seal (that is to say) to the first Sheet my hand only and to this last Sheet my hand and Seal the day and Year first above written
John Leadbeter
Signed sealed Published and Declared by the said Testator John Leadbeter as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto
William Musson
John Goodacre
John Stevenson
Probate 4 April 1801 to William Leadbeter, personal estate under £600