John Lester of Scalford 1769 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1769
In the name of God Amen I John Lester of Scalford in the County of Leicester being in perfect health and of sound mind memory and Understanding, but Considering the Uncertainty of his Transitory Life do make publish and Declair this my last Will and Testament in the Manner and form following that is to say
First of All I Resign my Soul into the Hands of Almighty god in hopes of a Joyfull Resurrection Through the Meritts of my Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
My Body I Comitt to the Earth to be decently Interred at the discretion of my Executors herein after named
And as to the Worldley Estate Wherewith it has pleased Allmighty god to Bless me with I despose thereof as foloweth that is to say
First of all I Give and bequeath unto my son in law John Exton and his Wife One Shilling each
Allso I Give and bequeath unto my Grandaughter Mary Exton One Guinea
Allso I Give and bequeath unto William Fox the elder One Guinea
Allso to his Wife and Children then living One Shilling each
Allso I Give and bequeath Unto my Niece Hannah Line One Guinea and Allso to her Children then living One shilling each
Allso I Give and bequeath unto David Fox and his wife One Shilling each and to Jeminah theire Daughter One Guinea
Allso I Give and bequeath unto Jonathan Fox One Guinea to be laid Out in a paire of Buck Skin Breeches
And Allso I give unto Jonathan Fox One Sute of my Close And to his Wife and Children then living One Shilling each
Allso I Give and bequeath unto John Doubleday of Long Claxton one Shilling And Allso to his Wife and Children then living One Shilling each
Allso I Give and bequeath unto Ann Freestone my wife sister One Guinea and Allso to her Children One Shilling each
Allso I Give and bequeath to my Sister Mary Surt One Guinea And Allso to her four sons One Shilling each
Allso I Give and bequeath unto George Mason of Coldoverton One Guinea
Allso I Give and bequeath unto Ann Hewse and her Husband and Children One Shilling each
And I do Allso make ordain and Appoint my wife togather with Charles Morriss Esqr of Loddington my Joynt Executors to this my last Will and Testament to whom I Give and bequeath All the Remainder and Residue of my Real and personal Estate whatsoever Revoking all former Wills by me made
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Fifth day of January one thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Eight
John Lester
Signed Sealed published and Declared to be my last Will and Testament in the presents of us who have sett our hands as witnesses thereunto
Robt Hind
John Henshaw
October the 5th 1769 Elisabeth Lester of Scalford and Charles Morris of Loddington Esqr the Executors within named were sworn
Before me Thos Myddelton Surrogt