Christopher Levis of Harby 1677 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1677/108
In the name of god amen I Christopher Levis of Harby in the County of Leicester yeoman being weake in body but of sound and perfect memory prased therefore bee given to almighty god Doe make and ordaine this my present Last will and Testament in maner and form following That is to say
First and principally I Commend my soul into the hands of allmighty god hoping through the merits death and passion of my Savour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon of all my sins and to Enherit Everlasting Life and as touching the disposition of all such temporall Estate as it hath pleased almighty god to bestow upon mee I give and despose thereof as followeth
Item I give unto my dauter Mary Levis foure score pounds to bee paid in mony and houshould goods foure whole yeares after my desease or within six months after her marradg day or six months after her brother Samuell Levis Weddin day or which day of the three time shall happen to bee first
Item I give to my dauter Sary Levis fifty pounds in mony and houshould goods to bee paid one whole yeare after my desease
Item I give to my dauter Hanna Levis fifty pounds in Mony and houshould goods to bee paid one whole yeare after my desease
Item for all my goods Cattell and Chattell whatsoever unbequeathed and my depts paid I give and bequeath unto Samuell Levis my son and to Nathynall Reed whom I make my Joynt full and Lawfull Executors of his my Last will and Testament
In wittes heareof I have here unto sett my hand and Seale this ninthteen day of October in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred seaventy and seaven 1677
Christopher Levis
Thomas Nucom his marke
James Atkinson
Edward Hallam
Henry Doubelday
A true and perfect Invetory of all the good Cattell and Chattell of Christopher Levis of Harby in the County of Leicester yeoman Late deceased as it was taken and prased by us whose names are under written this first day of November in the yeare 1677 as followeth
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis his purse and Apparell | 10 | 00 | 00 |
Item In the hall two tables two Chears Land Iron houks and Recons and other | |||
Implements | 01 | 00 | 00 |
Item In the parlour one bed and furniture to it one form and two stouls | 00 | 16 | 00 |
Item In the Little parlour and Chamber one bed four Chears Stouls and other | |||
Implements | 1 | 01 | 06 |
Item In the Store Chamber for Chese Racks and Shelfs and meat and butter & | |||
other Implements | 02 | 06 | 08 |
Item In the Chamber for hempin shets and flaxon shets and napkins | 01 | 06 | 10 |
Item In the Dearre for milke vesels and Churn and shelfs and barells and Ches | |||
fats and other Implements | 00 | 13 | 04 |
Item In the kitchin Lead and brewing vesels kits bras and puter and other | |||
Implements | 03 | 00 | 00 |
Item for horses ould and young | 30 | 00 | 00 |
Item for Cows and young bease | 31 | 00 | 00 |
Item for Shepe | 25 | 00 | 00 |
Item for weate barley pease and oats and hea | 80 | 00 | 00 |
Item for weate sown and Clots | 40 | 00 | 00 |
Item for ducks hens and swine | 05 | 00 | 00 |
Item for Carts and Carte gears plow and plow gears and harrows and other | |||
Implements therunto belonging and fould fleaks | 12 | 00 | 00 |
Item for housels rakes and mangers swin trofes hors trofe Cools and querns | 04 | 00 | 00 |
Item for leathers and beas Craches and Shep Cribs and things unseen and | |||
forgot | 01 | 00 | 00 |
Sum total | 248 | 4 | 04 |
Thomas Nucom his marke
John Hart
James Atkinson
Edward Hallam
Administration 1678
Bond, bound Nathaniel Read yeoman of Arnold, Nottingham and Joseph Reed yeoman of Arnold, November 1678, condition bound Nathaniel Reed, one of the executors of the will of Christopher Levis late will he lived of Hose, to see to education and tuition of Sara and Hanna Levis while they are in their minority and provide them with sufficient meat, drink, lodging and apparell meet and decent of their estate and also see that they receive their entitlement under the will.
Nathanell Reed
Joseph Reed
Know all men by these presents that I Samuel Levis of Harby one of the Executors named in the last will and Testament of Christopher Levis of Harby aforesaid deceased doe hereby expressly renounce all my right Title and Interest unto the goods Creditts and Chattels of the sayd deceased and to the Execution of the same will and do hereby protest that I have not Intermedled with the goods of the sayd deceased any other wise but as I have been intrusted by the other Executor and do desire that the Execution of the said will may be committed now to Nathaniell Reed the other Executor therin named and do desire that Mr Tyringham Stephens public Notary will Exhibite this my renuntiation and that it may from him be admitted as my act and what he shal do herein according to Law I do here by ratifie and conferme
In wittness whereof I have here unto set my hand & Seale this sixt day of November in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred seaventy and Eight
Samuel Levis
Probate 31 December 1677