John Littledike of Hose 1638 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/249/200
This is a probate copy of a will, the second page is missing though that may just be that it was not photographed but is in the volume in the archives
In the name of God Amen I John Littledike of Hoosse in the Countie of Leiceseter husband [sic] being sick in bodye but of perfect memorie (praised be god) doe make this my last will and Testament in this maner and fourme followinge
First I give and Comend my soule to Almightie God and my bodie to be buried in the Churchyard of Hoosse aforesaid
Next I give unto my sonnes in Lawe Robert Upton, James Atkinson, Christopher Chamberlayne, William Day and George Allatt Twelve pence a peece
Item I give unto my daughters, Katherine Atkinson, Joane Upton, Mary Allatt, and Elizabeth Day twelve pence a peece
Item I give unto William Chamberlayne, and Thomas Chamberlayne, the sonnes of Christopher Chamberlayne, the summe of fiftie shillings a peece to bee paid unto them within seaven yeares after my decease
Item I give unto William Daye and Robert Day, the sonnes of William Day of Claxton the summe of Fiftie Shillings a peece to bee paid unto them within seaven yeares after my decease
Item I give unto James Atkinson, the younger, the sume of Five pounds to bee paid unto him within seaven yeares after my decease
Item I give unto Robert Littledike, and James Littledike, the sonnes of John Littledike the younger the summe of five pounds a peece, to bee payd unto them within seaven yeares after my decease
Item I give unto my brother Robert Littledike ten shillings in this manner to be payd, fyve shillings the first yeare and fyve shillings the second yeare after my decease
Item I give unto my sister Hellenor Spreckly Ten shillings to bee payd at two severall payments
Item I give unto Allice Upton the sume of thirtie shillings
Item I give to the repaire of the Church of Hoosse Two shillings six pence
Item my mind and will is that John Littledike my naturall sonne and
A perfect Inventorie of all the goods Cattells and Chattells of John Litledike of Hoosse in the Countie of Leicester husbandman Latly deceased Taken The 4th day of Aprill in Anno 1638 And praysed by John Sanderson, Robert Markham And James Maritt
Impris His pursse And Apparell | 2 | 14 | 5 |
Item one bedstead, one feather bedde, one bed hilling, one blanket, 2 payre of | |||
sheetes, one boulster, 2 pillowes | 2 | 5 | 7 |
Item one Chest one Woodden Tub with other woodden Implements | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Itm The Croppe of Barlie wheate And pease | 9 | 0 | 0 |
Item Tenn Hives of Bees | 2 | 10 | 0 |
Item debts owing To the Above sayd John Littledike deceased | 43 | 16 | 4 |
Summa Totalis | 60 | 16 | 4 |
John Saunderson
The mark of Robert Markham
The mark of James Maritt
Exhibited Leicester 20 April 1638