Richard Mabbatt of Cropwell Bishop 1653 Will
The National Archives PROB 11/226/715
In the name of God Amen The twoe and twentieth day of July in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand Sixe hundred fifty and three I Richard Mabbatt of Cropwell Bishoppe in the County of Nottingham Husbandman being sicke and weake in body but of sound and perfect memory (blessed be God) doe here constitute, ordaine and make my last will and testament in manner and forme following (vizt)
First I commend my soule into the hands of God my maker and of Jesus Christ my Redeemer through whose merritts death and passion I doe assuredly hope to enioy eternall life And my body I commit to the earth to be buryed att the discrecon of mine Executrice
And concerneing all my worldly estate wherewith god hath blessed mee I doe dispose will and bequeath the same as followeth (vizt)
Imprimis I give and bequeath to Dorothy my loveing wife all that Oxgange of land which I bought of Robert Britten and all that parte of one messuage and alsoe of one Cottage and one Inclosure all which sayd premisses are scituate lyeing and being within the feilds, meadowes, precincts, and territoryes of Cropwell Butler and Cropwell Bishop aforesaid together with all and every their Comons, Comon of pasture, wayes, waters, easements, emoluments and appurtenances whatsoever to the sayd land, messuage, Cottage and enclosure to any of them in any wise belonging or appertaineinge for and dureing the whole time and terme of the minority of my youngest child
Item I give to my brother Thomas Mabbatt, To my Sister Mary Pine, to my brother in Lawe Bartholomew Richards, to my brother in Lawe John Bagaly, and to my brother In Lawe John Foster, and to each of them the sume of fiftye shillings to bee by them and every of them equally divided amongst their children
Item I give and bequeath to Peter Coupler, Richard Lane, and Ralph Crosby my servants to each of them twoe shillings
Item I give and dispose to every Godchild I have living in this Towne of Cropwell Bishop the sume of one shillings sixe pence
Item I give and bequeath to Dorothy Bagly the sume of three pounds
Item all the residue of my goods cattell and chattells quicke and dead moveable and immoveable and not hereby bequeathed (my debts, legacies and funerall expences being discharged) I will dispose and give them unto Dorothy my loveing wife and Rebecca my daughter to bee equally divided between them Provided alwayes if my wife prove not with Child then my will and minde is that of all my sayd goods Cattells and Chattells my said wife shall have and enioy to her owne proper use, uses, and behoofe the full twoe parts and my said daughter Rebecca the third parte, which my will is shall bee payd her when shee shall accomplish the full age of twenty and one yeares for and dureing all which sayd terme my will and pleasure is that my sayd wife shall have the free use and ordering thereof
Moreover I doe constitute, ordaine, and make Dorothy my said wife and Rebecca my daughter the ioynt Executrices of this my last will and testament
Item I doe appointe and ordain my loveing and trusty brothers Thomas Mabbatt and Bartholomew Richards the overseers of this my last will and testament hopeing they will see the same faithfully performed Provided alwayes if either of them happen to die I doe in their place, or places constitute and appointe their heire, or heires of whom I entertaine the like hope
In wittnes and for confirmacon whereof I have hereto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written
Richard Mabbot
Sealed signed and published in the presence of
Antho: Wood
Debts that I owe
Imprimis to Robert Britten Eighteen pounds
Item to Bartholomew Richards Sixe pounds Seaventeen shillings and sixe pence
Item to Thomas Mabbatt Sixeteene pounds
Item to Mary Pine three pounds
Sum forty three pounds Seaventeene shillings and sixe pence
Debts that are oweing to mee
Imprimis Richard Bampton oweth mee three and thirtye shillings and foure pence
Item Thomas Musson Seaven shillings and Sixe pence
Item John Foster twelve shillings
Item John Bagaly Twenty shillings and twoe strikes of Barley
Item Peter Cowper twenty shillings
Item Ralph Huskinson One and twenty shillings
Sum Five pounds, thirteen shillings, and tenne pence
This will was proved att Westminster the nine and twentieth day of September in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Sixe hundred fifty and three before the Judges for probate of wills and graunteing Administracons appointed by an Act of Parliament entituled an Act for probate and wills and graunteing Administracons by the oath of Dorothy Mabbott the relict of the said deceased and one of the Executrixes in the sayd will named To whome was committed the Administracon of all and singuler the goods, chattells and debts of the sayd deceased shee being first sworne by Comission truly to Administer the same according to Lawe Power being neverthelesse hereby reserved to make and graunte the like probate and Administracon to Rebecca Mabbot the naturall and lawfull daughter of the sayd deceased and the other Executrix in the sayd will alsoe named when shee shall come in due forme of Lawe to require the same