Anne Manchester of Long Clawson 1729 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1729
In the name of God amen I Anne Manchester of Claxton alis Long Clawson In the County of Licester Wido being Weake of bodey but of parfect mind and memory Thanks be to Allmity God for it doe Make & ordain this my Last will and testament in maner fooling
Imprimis I will and ordain that All my Just Dets and funerall expences be paid by My Executors herin after named
Allso I Give Gorg Swan Sun of John Swan A beed Hed and to his brother John Swan five shilings to bye him A bible
Lastly I doe give to my Loving father William Fluit & to My brother William Fluit All my Goods Catils & Chatils what so ever to mee belongeth whom I doe hearby make ordain Constitute and Appoint Joynt Executors of this my Last will and testament
In witness whearof I the said Anne Manchester have set my hand and seal this eightenth day of May in the year of our Lord 1729
Anne Manchester hir Mark
Sined & sealed by the said Ann Manchester in the preasenc of us whoes names are writen
Robt Garton
Richard Fawkes