Thomas Manchester of Long Clawson 1617 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/239/143
Anno dni 1617
In the name of god amen in the yeare of our lord god one Thousand sixe hundred & seventeen I Thomas Manchester of Claxton alias Clawson in the countie of Leicester husbandman beinge sicke in bodie, yet thanks be to god of good & perfect remembrance doe make & ordaine this my last will & testament in manner & fourme followinge
First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmightie god my maker & Jesus Christ my redeemer under whose pretious bloud shedding I hope to be saved & my bodie to be buried in the church yard of Clawson aforesaid
Imprimis I doe give unto my sonne Thomas Manchester the nowe dwelling house of Robert Bateman in Clawson aforesaid with the ortcheyard & all other the rooms & hovels thereunto belongeinge beinge bought of my father as maie appeare by deeds of sale which … called Broxby Close and all that part & porton of land due unto me with all manner of apptnances theirunto belonginge due unto me beinge bought of Willm Lee of the abovesaid Towne of Clawson And also I doe give unto my said sonne Thomas the somme of fortie pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him at the age of one & Twentie yeres
It I doe give unto my sonne John Manchester … all the rest of my lands with all maner of Apptances to them belonginge whatsoever except before excepted
It I doe give unto Elizabeth my wife the thirds of all my lands according as law may require
It I doe give unto my sonne John Mancester the some of Twentie pounds at the age of one & Twentie yeres
Item I give unto my godchild Edward Marriet xiid
It my will is that Robert Bateman shall have the some of fortie shillings at the retourninge of his nowe dwellinge house unto my heirs or executors & also the some of five pounds at the agrement or release of a Controversi concerninge such causes as the said five pounds were disbursed & paid
It I give unto the churche of Clawson iiis iiiid
It I doe give unto the repaire of the Calsey called Denbie Calsey iis
It I doe give unto Robert Bateman children to every one vid
It my will is that if it happen Willm Westeby to decease this mortall life without heirs lawfully begotten Then the nowe dwelling house of Thomas Manchester to remaine to my sonne John Manchester & my executors is to give to Thomas Westby the some of Tenne pownds in maner as is expressed in the will of Thomas Westby deceased to be paid out of the said Twentie pounds above given unto the said John Manchester if the said house happen to the said John Mancester for want of issue lawfully begotten as is above expressed if not the said xx li to remain in manner as is above expressed
And furthermore if the said Willm Westby house happen to the said John Manchester for want of Issue lawfully begotten after the said John Manchester come to his lawfull age of xxi yeres the said John Manchester is to paie to Thomas Westbye the some of Tenne pownds
Ite I doe give unto Willm Westbie xiid
Item I doe give unto Thomas Westbie sixe shillinges
Item all my debts legacies & funerall expences discharged all the rest of my goods moveable & unmoveable whatsoever unbequeathed I doe give unto Elizabeth my wife whome I doe apoint & make executrix ioyntly with Thomas Westbie & Richard Hicklinge executors of this my last will & testament which I doe give unto eyther of them for their paines xs
In witness whereof I have set to my hand the xii daie of January one Thousand sixe hundred & seventeen in the yeres of the Raigne of our Soverainge Lord James by the grace of god kinge of England, France, & Ireland defender of the faith the fifteenth & of Scotland the fiftie & one
Thomas Manchester his marke
Witness hereof
James Hande scriptor
John Hicklinge
Edward Faulkes marke