Henry Mann of Hickling 1585 Will
Borthwick Institute, York
In the name of God Amen the vith daye of Marche Anno dni 1585 I Henrye Man of Hicklinge bachilor of good mynde and whole Remembrance (thankes be unto god therefore) do make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge
First I geve my soule to Almyghtie god my first founder and maker and unto Jesus Christ his sonne my Redemer and savyour
Secondlye my bodye to the grounde to be buryed within my parishe Churche yarde of Hicklinge aforesaid
Thirdlye I do geve unto everye one of my bretheren and systers Children which are nowe lyvinge vs
I geve unto Robte Dafte the sonne of George Dafte xxs
I geve unto Elizabethe Dafte the wife of George Dafte one shepe
I geve unto Joane Herrys the wife of Thomas Herrys one shepe
I do geve unto everye one of my mother servants that is in the howse at the tyme of my deathe xiid
Itm I geve to the mendinge of the Cawsey at suche tyme as it is in workinge anye tyme hereafter vs
I geve unto Willm Man my brother one wheat lande lyinge of Ryce furlong
I geve unto Robt Man and John Man thelder my bretheren to eyther of theme xls
I geve unto George Man and John Man the younger my brethren all my parte of all my Cattells that belongethe unto me and all my parte of Corne that ys on the grounde that belongethe unto me
I do geve unto George Man and unto John Man the yonger my brethren all my parte which is one halfe of one howse with tofte and Crofte and one oxgange of lande in the feildes with medowes pastures and Comons and all thappurtenances thereto belonginge, to them and to there heires males for ever lyinge within the towne and feildes of Hicklinge, and nowe in the tenure and occupacon of John Noble
The Rest of all my goods not bequethed, my debts payd, my funerall expences discharged, I geve unto Robt Man, John Man thelder, John Man the yonger and to George Man my brethren whom I Constitute and make full Executors of this my last will and testament
These beinge witnesses of this my last will and testament Willm Atkinson parsone there, and George Dafte
Probate 8 October 1585