Henry Mann of Nether Broughton 1771 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1771
In the Name of God Amen I Henry Mann of Nether Broughton in the County of Leicester Frame-work knitter being weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory (Praised be Almighty God for the Same) but considering uncertainty of Life and the certainty of Death do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say)
First I resign my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it me and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently Buryed at the discretion of my Executor and Executrix hereinafter named and as for my Temporal Estate which it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I give and dispose of as followeth
First I Will that all my just debts and Legacys and Funeral expences be paid by my Executrix and Executor hereinafter named
Also I give Devise and bequeath my Houses Orchards and all the Ground thereunto belonging with all the Building upon the said Ground unto my Loving Wife Ann Man and my Son Henry Man on Condition that they pay the Mortgage to Joseph Wilkinson and my Will is that they my said Wife and my Son Henry Shall or may (if they my said Wife and Son Henry think proper) sell the said Houses Ground and other Buildings afore said for ever but and if it so happen that the said Houses Ground and other Buildings be not sold before my Loving Wife Ann Man be Deceased in Such case I give and Devise unto my Son Henry Man and his Heirs and Assigns for ever all the said Houses Ground and other Buildings
Also all the rest of my goods chattles and cattles and personal Estate whatsoever I Give unto my Loving Wife Ann Mann for the Term of Life and immediately after her Decease to be equaly devided amongst her Children now living namely Henry Man, John Man, William Man, Elizabeth Man and Robert Man
Also I give unto my eldest Son George Man the Sum of five Shillings to be paid at my Decease
And I do hereby nominate and appoint my Loving Wife Ann Man and my Son Henry Man full and Sole Executrix and Executor of this my Last Will and Testament
In Wittness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenty eight day of November in the eleventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third King of Great Britain France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and So forth and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy
Henry Man
Sealed Signed published and Declared by the said Henry Man the Testator in the presence of us
Elizabeth Barlow her mark
John Watkin
Isaac Watkin
10 day of April 1771 Henry Man the Executor within named was sworn to the due Execution of the within written will
Before me G Coulton Surrogate
And on the 18th day of May 1771 Ann Man Widow the Executrix above named was sworn to the due Execution thereof
Before me G Coulton Surrogate