John Mann of Hickling 1800 Will
Nottinghamshire Archives PR/NW
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Mann the Elder of Hickling in the County of Nottingham yeoman
Whereas I did sometime in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty nine Convey to Mr Francis Evans All that my Messuage or Tenement with the Maltrooms Barns Stables Outbuildings Orchard Yard and Garden thereto belonging situate and being in Hickling aforesaid And also all that my Close called Rempstone Close in Hickling aforesaid containing two Acres and two roods And also all that my other Close in Hickling aforesaid called the Fourth Close containing three acres and also all that my other Close in Hickling aforesaid called the Over Dunstead Close containing Eight acres To hold the same to the said Francis Evans his heirs and assigns To the uses thereinafter mentioned (that is to say) To the Use of me the said John Mann the Elder for life and after my decease To the Use of my Son John Mann the Younger and William Richard Middlemore their Executors Administrators and Assigns for a Term of Five hundred years But upon the Trusts thereinafter mentioned and subject to the said Term To the use of my Son William Mann and of his Heirs and Assigns for ever And it was thereby declared that the same Term of Five hundred Years was so limitted to the said John Mann the Younger and William Richard Middlemore upon Trust by Demise or Mortgage of the said Premises to borrow and take up at Interest the sum of Two hundred Pounds and to pay One hundred and Fifty Pounds part thereof to my Daughter Mary Flewitt and to pay Fifty Pounds residue thereof to my Daughter Elizabeth Bonsall
And I the said John Mann the Elder did also assign all my Household goods and Furniture (Except the Bed with the Blankets Sheets Boulsters Pillows and other things usually enjoyed therewith in which I usually Sleep and also Except my Large Oak dining Table) and all other my Linen Woolen China Pewter Brass and all and every my Horses Cows and Cattle and Quick or Living Stock Waggons Carts Ploughs Implements of Husbandry Hay Corn and Straw in and upon my said Messuage and Premises To hold the same unto the said Francis Evans his Executors Administrators and Assigns Upon the Trusts thereinafter mentioned (that is to say) upon Trust to permit me the said John Mann the Elder to hold and enjoy the same for my life And after my decease To the Use of my Son the said William Mann his Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever And whereas I have since the execution of the said Conveyance paid to my said Daughter Mary Flewitt the Sum of One hundred pounds which sum of one hundred pounds I do hereby declare was paid to her by me in part of the said Sum of One hundred and Fifty pounds secured by the said Conveyance and I do hereby order and direct that the same shall be by her and her husband accepted and taken as part of the said One hundred and fifty pounds accordingly And whereas for fear that the Deeds of Conveyance of my said Messuage and Closes above mentioned and the assignment of my said household goods and stock should have been lost or mislaid and in order more effectually to secure the same to my said Son William Mann and his Heirs I do by this my will Give and Devise all that my said Messuage Closes Lands Tenements and Hereditaments situate in Hickling aforesaid with their Appurtenances and also all other my real Estates whatsoever and wheresoever Unto and to the Use of my said son William Mann and of his Heirs and Assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to the payment of the sum of Fifty pounds (residue of the said Sum of One hundred and Fifty pounds) to my said Daughter Mary Flewitt and to the payment of the said Sum of Fifty pounds also secured to be paid to my said Daughter Elizabeth Bonsall
I Give and Bequeath three of my second best Chairs to my said Daughter Mary Flewitt and I Give and Bequeath my large round oak dining Table together with my Bed the Blankets two Sheets Boulsters Pillows and other things usually enjoyed therewith in which I usually sleep and three of my second best Chairs to my said Daughter Elizabeth Bonsall
I Give and Bequeath all the rest of my Househould Goods and furniture Linen Plate China Horses Cows Sheep and other the Stock upon my Farm Waggons Carts and Implements of Husbandry Unto my said Son William Mann his Executors Administrators and Assigns And as to all my ready money and securities for money rents and arrears of rent and all other my personal Estate and Effects subject to the payment thereout of my just debts and funeral Expences I do by this my Will give and bequeath the same to my said two Daughters Mary Flewitt and Elizabeth Bonsall to be divided between them in equal shares and proportions
And I do Nominate Constitute and Appoint my said Son William Mann sole Executor of this my Will hereby revoking and making void all former Wills by me made
In Witness whereof I the said John Mann the Elder the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal this Eighth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Ninety eight
John Mann Senr
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said John Mann the Elder the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who in his Presence and in the Presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto
Saml Green
Joseph Bampton
Joseph Maltby
William Mann the Son and Sole Executor named in the Within written Will of John Mann the Elder late of Hickling in the County of Nottingham and Diocese of York Yeoman Deceased was duly Sworn on the 21st Day of June 1800
Before me Js Bingham Surrogate
Passed 5th July 1800 under 40l
A Declaration instead of an Inventory of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of John Mann the Elder late of Hickling in the County of Nottingham and Diocese of York Yeoman deceased was made by William Mann the Son and sole Executor of the last will and Testament of the said deceased
The said William Mann hereby declares that to the best of his knowledge and belief the said deceaseds personal Estate and Effects would not at the time of his death exceed the value of ninety pounds
J Bingham
William Mann