Joyce Mann of Hickling 1592 Will
Borthwick Institute, York
In the name of god amen the xii daye of October in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand five hundreth eightie seven and in the xxixth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god queene of England Frannce and Ireland defenderess of the faythe etc I Joyce Man of Hicklinge within the county of Nottingham widdowe being sicke in my bodie but of good and perfect remembrance … laude [?] and praise be geven to god Theirfore do ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to wytt
First and principallie I bequeth my soule into thandes of Jesus Christe my onelie saviour and redemer And my body to thearth from whence it was taken to be buryed only in the parishe church yarde of Hicklinge aforesaid
Also I will, give, bequeth and assigne the reversion of the Lease of my farme which I hould of my land lord and maister Sir Thomas Duckett knight and Alderman of the Cyttie of Londonn unto my Eldest sonn Robert Mann and my yongest sonn George Man jointlie and equallie betwixte them
And for the dispotityon of my goodes my will and whole mynde is that they shalbe devyded into three portions wheirof I reserve unto my self one equall parte to dischardge my funerall expence and to be further bestowed according to my will in that behalf heare after expressed
The other two partes I give and bequeth unto my chyldren Robert Man Willm Man Stephen Man John Mann and George Man saving that I will that out of my whole goodes shall be geven unto the children of George Dafte my sonn in lawe to everie one of them vs
Item oute of my saide whole goodes I bequeath to the two children of my sonn Stephen Man George and Joane eyther of them vs
Item of the said whole goodes I bequeth to Elizabethe the daughter of my sonn Willm Man vs
Item of the same I bequeth unto John Man and Thomas Man sons of my eldest sonn John Man ten shillings
Item of the same I bequeth unto Marie Man an heffer of two yeares ould or els the pryce of one in money
Item out of the same I bequeth toward the repairinge of the Cawsey of Hicklinge aforesaide five shillings
Alsoe out of the same I will that the plowes cartes and harrowes with their furnyture shall remaine unto my two sons Robert Man and George Man unto whom also I reserve a great panne and a great pott of the which I bequeth the pott to my eldest sonn Robert and the panne I bequeth to my yongest sonn George
Also I bequeth to my sister Ann Hopkinsonn a coate and a kerchiffe
Item my will is that my two sons Robert and George shall help their Brethren Steven and Willm to doe their worke they agreeinge with their brethren as they ought to doe
Item I bequeth unto my two daughters Elizabethe Dafte and Joane Harris my kerchiffes equallie betwixt them
All the reste of my own portion which I reserved to my selfe I bequeth to my twoo sons John Mann and John [sic] Man equallie to be devided betwixt them
Item I ordeyne constytute and make my two sons Robert Man and George Man my trewe lawfull executors to execute this my last will and testament accordinge to the true intent and meaning of my mynde
These beinge witnesses John Wood clerke George Dafte and Lawrence James with others
Probate 2 July 1592