Thomas Mann of Hickling 1563 Will
Borthwick institute, York
In the name of god amen the ix day of September in the yeare of our lord god 1563 I Thomas Manne of Hikilynge dothe ordayne and make this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge
Fyrst I bequithe my soull unto almyghtyie god and my bodie to be buried in the churche yeard of Hickylyng
Also I gyve to the parson for tythes forgotten xiid
Also I gyve to the reparacons of the caussey xiid
Also I gyve unto the poore folkes in the towne vs in bread
Also I gyve and bequith unto Robert Mann my sone xxs
Also I gyve unto John the yongest xxs
Also I gyve to George my sone xxs besids there childs partes of the other goods
Also I gyve unto Joane my daughter a blacke heffer
Also I gyve unto Eliz Daifte my daughter a bushell of barlie and to her sone John Daifte an Ewe and hir lambe
Also I gyve unto Eliz Nobell my sister a strike of barley and to Elline Hopkinsone a strike of barlie
Also I gyve unto John Manne myne eldest sone a Rode land of wheate
Next unto the parson thre lands in more furlong and a nother Rood land of barlie
Also I gyve unto my brother Willm Manne xiid and to Rauf Pilkington viiid and to Thomas Bosworth iiiid
Also I will that my children have the third parte of my goods equallie divided amongs them
The residew of my goods not bequithed my detts paid and my legacs performed and all my funerall expencs allowes I gyve and bequithe unto Joes my wyf who I ordeyn and make my full executrix of this my last will and testament for to dispose my goods to the tenor hereof
Thes men beyng wittnes Rauf Pilkington Henrye Hufton and Thomas Bosworthe