Thomas March of Hose 1726 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1726
I Tho: March of Hose in the County of Leicester Husbandman this Sixteenth day of July Anno Dom 1726 do make this my last Will and Testament (in manner following)
Imprimis I will that my Debts Legacies and funerall Charges be paid and Discharged
Imprimis I give unto my Loving Son William March the Sume of fivety Pounds when he shall attaine the age of Twenty one years
Item I give unto my Loving Daughter Mary March the Sum of forty Pounds and one fether bed and Boulster one new Sett of Curtains and best Coverlid one Blankitt two Pillows two paire of flaxon Sheets a Table and halfe a Dozen of Chares one Table Cloth and halfe a Dozen of Napkins one Chest one Great pan three pewter Dishes to be paid her within Twelve months after my Decease
And Lastly I do give unto my Loving Wife Eliz: and Loving Son Thomas March all the Rest of my Estate Goods Cattle Chattles Bills Bonds and Debts of what kinde soever and do make them Sole Executors of This my last Will and Testament revoking all former wills by me heretofore made
In Wittness where I have to this my last Will and Testament Sett to my Hand and Seale the day and year first above Written
Thomas March
Signed Sealed published and Declared in the presence of
Robert Julian
John Jervas his marke
Richd Rowse
A True and perfect Inventory of all the Goods Cattle & Chattle of Thomas March of Hose in the County of Leicester lately Deceased Viewed and Valued by us whose Names are hereunder written this 26th Day of October 1726
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis His Purse and Apparrel | 00 | 13 | 00 |
Item Four Draught … one filley & one fole | 27 | 10 | 00 |
Five Milch Cows one Heifer & one Calfe | 12 | 00 | 00 |
Twenty four old Sheep & fourteen Lambs | 10 | 19 | 00 |
Two Store Swine | 02 | 00 | 00 |
Corn in the Straw, Hay & Straw & Oats in the Straw | 25 | 05 | 00 |
One Cart one Harrough one Plough & Gears | 03 | 15 | 06 |
Forks, Spade, and Shovel | 00 | 05 | 06 |
Fold Trees | 00 | 06 | 08 |
Wheat Sown and Clods | 13 | 19 | 04 |
Item the Chamber over the House Wool one Bed & bedding, Apples, Corn, | |||
Chairs & other things | 04 | 13 | 04 |
In the Chamber over the House Cheese old Iron and other things | 04 | 07 | 06 |
Goods in the Little Parlor two beds & beding and other things | 00 | 15 | 06 |
Goods in the Great Parlour one Bed & beding one Cupboard, 2 Chests, four | |||
Boxes & other things | 05 | 05 | 06 |
Goods in the Dairy Milk Vessels, & brewing Vessels and all other things | 01 | 01 | 06 |
Coals | 01 | 06 | 00 |
Goods in the House Brass and Pewter one Table Six Chairs and other things | 04 | 15 | 06 |
Goods in the Chimney Corner one wanded chair hooks and Galley Calke | 00 | 06 | 08 |
Things unseen and forgot | 00 | 03 | 04 |
Sum | 119 | 09 | 04 |
John Goodson his Mark
Henry Stokes
Francis Godfrey
Probate 31 October 1726