Izabell Marriott of Hose 1602 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/224
In the name of God Amen the xxiii daye of July Ano Dni 1601 I Izabell Maryet of Hose in the Countie of Leicester wyddowe sicke in bodye but whole in mynde and of good and perfect Remembrance thankes be to god I doe Ordayne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
First I bequeathe my Soule to almightie god my Creator and Redeemer and my Bodye to be buryed in the Church yarde of Hose
First I give unto Mary Rutlande my daughters daughter one Ewe and a Lambe
Itm I give unto every one of my daughter Jone her Children one Ewe sheepe
Itm I give unto Helinor my daughter one heafer and to everye one of her Children a sheepe
Itm I give unto Margaret Savage two sheepe one Cowe one Bedsteade one mattris two Coverletts one blankett one pillowe one bolster two peare of sheets one kettle and twoo pewter Dishes
Itm I give unto James my sonne the Some of Four pounds and to his sonne Richard one Ewe and a Lambe
Itm I give unto Stephen my sonne the some of Foure pounds and to his Childe one sheepe
Itm I give unto Richarde my sonne my Quearnes my brewinge leade one mattris two peare of sheets two Coverletts one pillowe one Bolster all the hovells and pales (Except the Carte hovel)
Itm I give unto my three Daughters all my woollen apparell
Itm I give unto Robarte Knott one hive of bees
Itm I give unto Agnes Maryet one sheepe my hose and showes
Itm I give unto Izabell Julyon xiid and to everye one of my other godchildren iiiid
Itm I will that two strikes of Corne shalbe given to the poore of the towne
Itm I doe appointe and make Robarte Mariet and Thomas Mariet my Lawfull Executors of this my last will and testamente And alsoe my will is that after my debts and legacyes be payed the Resydewe of all my goods and Chattles shalbe equallie devyded betwixte Robarte Thomas and Wyllm my three sonnes And yf it please god to call me betwixte Michellmas and Thannuntiation of the Virgin Marie That then my Executores shall … one Cropp of the Farme after my deptinge
Farder my Will is that the sayde Richard paye … Rateablie to myne Executors for those yeares then unexpired accordinge to the Fine payed unto the Lorde shall have the benefitt of the whole lease Fardermore the sayde Richard my sonne Doth grante and … that all the goodds Cattles & Chattles moveable and unmoveable wherein I and he have anie righte shalbe devyded according to Equitie and right betwixte my sayde Executors and him
And I doe appointe John Hicklinge Gregorie Julyon and Robarte Knott my overseers of this my last will and testament
No signature
Witnesses John Hicklinge Minister Richard Lane & John Littledike
Probate 27 march 1601/2