Richard Marriott of Hose 1590 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1590/77
In the name of god amen The fyrst day of Aprill in the yere of our lord god 1590 I Rychard Mariet of Hoose in the Countey of Leic husbandman Sycke in bodye, but wholle in mynd, And of good, & perfect Remembrance, thanks be to god I doe ordayne & make this my last wyll & Teastment in manner, and forme following
Fyrst I bequeth my sole to allmyghtye god my Creator and Redemer, and my bodye to be buried in the Church yard of Hoose
Itm I doe geve unto Izabell my wife All my howsehold Stoufe And allso I wyll that Izabell my wyfe, and Rychard my Sonne shall Occupie my fearme Joyntlye betwixt them, and the longer liver of them
Itm I doe geve and bequeth unto Steven Mariet my sonne the somme of xiii li vis viiid and one naturall Rood of barly ground, to be plowed, harrowed, & manured, at the Charges of myne Executors, duringe the space of my years next to my sonnes use, & the land to be appoynted by my overseers
Itm I doe geve and bequeth unto my sonne James the somme of xiii li vis viiid to be payed to him when he cometh out of his prenticeshipe
Itm I doe geve and bequeth unto my daughter Jone the somme of xiii li vis viiid And to my daughter Margaret the somme of xiii li vis viiid
Itm I doe geve & bequeth unto Robert my sonne the somme of xiii li vis viiid And to my sonne Thomas the somme of xiii li vis viiid
Itm I doe geve unto my sonne Wyllm the somme of xiii li vis viiid
Allso my wyll is that if god doe call to his mercye, Any of my sayd Chyldren, before they Come to lawfull Age, that then their parte shall Reamayne Amongest the Residew of my Chyldren
Itm I doe geve and Bequeth unto my Chyldrens Chyldren, to Everye one of theym An Ewe & A lambe To be Payed unto them, with in vii years after my departure
Itm I doe geve unto Rychard my sonne my Stone trowe, as an Earloume to my name
Itm I doe geve unto Everye one of my Godchyldren iiiid
Itm I wyll that the Poore of the Towne shall have Amongest theym tow strike of Corne
All the Residewe of my goods not bequethed, I doe geve & bequeth unto Izabell my wyfe and Rychard my Sonne whom I doe appoynte, and make, my lawfull Executors off this my last wyll and Teastament
And I doe appoynt Gregory Julyan, and Robert Knot Overseers of the same
Probate Leicester 28 September 1590
PR/I/11 page 37
An Inventorye of all the goods & Chattells of Rychard Mariet, of Hoose, late deceassed, valued and prized by those men whose names ar under written
Gregory Julian, Gregorye Wade, Wyllm Smyth & Robert Knot
First his apparell with the money in his Purse | x li |
Itm one table, one coubbard, with the Chears & Reckings | xiiis iiiid |
Itm all the Pewter, the brase, with the Chaffing dishes | iiii li xs |
Itm the Pyllowes, boulstears, with vi matrisses | iii li iiiis |
Itm all the napperye ware | vi li xiiis iiiid |
Itm the bed hillings, coverlids, & blanckets | iii li vis viiid |
Itm all the paynted clothes | xs |
Itm v bedsteeds | xs |
Itm tow stone of woole, tow stone of hempe with many other implements in the Chambers | iii li |
Itm the coffears, with other implements in the Parlor & butrey | xxxs |
Itm the carpets and cushings | xs |
Itm the bruing lead, with the quirns, and Cribbs | xxs |
Itm the stepeing phat the hearcloth, the Wyndening cloth with the sacks | xxs |
Itm the crope of haye & corne | xl li |
Itm v hives | xxvs |
Itm the carts and all the gears | v li |
Itm all the hovills, plowe tymber Palls and neat standings | iiii li |
Itm Plowes, harrowes, with youckes & teams | xls |
Itm the ladders with other implements of wode in the yard | xs |
Itm one stone trough, with the … | xxvis viiid |
Itm all the Pullin in the yard | vis viiid |
Itm ix horses and mars | xvii li |
Itm one Oxen | vii li xs |
Itm tow stears | iiii li vis viiid |
Itm tenn kyne | xvi li xiiis iiiid |
Itm 8 younge beasts | iii li xs |
Itm v calves | xxvis viiid |
Itm xvii swyne | iii li xvs |
Itm viii shepe | xxvis viiid |
Suma totalis | Cxxxviii li iiiis |