Marriott Robert 1664 of Long Clawson Will

Robert Marriott of Long Clawson 1664 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1664

In the name of god Amen; this three & Twentieth day of November in the fifteenth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of god King of England Scotland France & Ireland defendor of the faith &c & in the yeare of our lord Christ 1663 I Robert Marriott of Claxton als long Clawson in the County of Leicester yeoman being sick of body but of good & perfect memory prased by god doe make & ordaine this to be my last will & Testament in manner & forme following

Imprimis I give & bequeath my Soule to god that gave it & my body to be buried in the Church yard of Claxton aforesaid & as for my worldly goods I despose of as followeth

Item I give unto the poore thirteene shillings & foure pence

Item I give unto my daughter in law Mary Manchester forty shillings to be paid within the space of one yeare after my decease

Item I give unto my loveing wife Sense all my moveable goods whatsoever as Corne hay & household goods beaste 3 sheepe Except one brasse pott & I give her fifteene pounds of money

Item I give unto my sonn William Marriott foure pounds for his portion of my goods to be paid within the space of one yeare

Item I give unto my sonn Robert Marriott fifty six pounds for his portion of my goods to be paid within the space of one yeare after my decease but if it so fortune that my sonn Robert depart this life before he have received his portion & leave a Child or Children my will is that his portion shall be payed to it or them equally when it or they  shall accomplish the age of one & Twenty yeares but if it fortune that he die & leave noe Children my will is that my son William Shall have Twenty pounds of the said money

Item I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Storer foure pounds & my biggest brasse pott for her portion of my goods to be paid within the space of Eighteen monthes after my decease

Item I give unto my son Thomas Marriot all the Rest of my goods moneyes Bills bonds unbequeathed whom I doe make & ordaine Sole executor of this my last will & Testament to pay my legacys & to see my body decently buried

In wittness whereof I have set to my hand & Seale the day & yeare first above written

                                                                                                                Robert Marriot

Sealed & delivered to be the last will & Testament of Robert Marriott in the presence of us wittnesses

Thomas Marriott Senior

Robert Wright

Probate 11 February 1663/4


A True & perfect inventory of all the goods Chattells & Cattell of Robert Marriott late deceased of Long Claxton als Clawson apprised & taken by Thomas Marriott Senior & George Manchester the 26 day of December Anno Domini 1663

Imprimis his purse & apparrell10000
Item in the house one Cubberd one Chest three Chaires Reckings & fire Iron
one table & other small thinges0134
Item Six pewter dishes & other small pewter 3 frie pans & Two potts250
Ite one Truss bed & two other Bed steads0160
Ite one feather bed three matterisses one Rug foure Coverlids two blankits
seaven paire of sheetes two Bousters six pillows two table Cloathes five table
Item six peices of Cloath300
Item one set of Curtaines & six Coffers0100
Ite Butter & Cheese Bacon & other Small implements in the Chamber0100
Ite in the Cittchin one lead & Brewing vessell peales one Churne & Coales200
Ite three Cowes one heaffer Ten sheepe five sheepe skines & wooll1100
Ite hay & Corne in the feild & Towne368
Ite one bible with other thinges forgotten & out of sight    068

Thomas Marriott Senior

George Manchester [his mark]