Robert Marriott of Chadwell 1721 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1721
In the name of god Amen the Third day of June 1721 I Robert Marratt of Caudwell in the County of Leicester yeoman being of perfect memory & Remembrance praised be god and calling to mind the uncertain Estate of this transitory Life and that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please god to call do make Constitute ordain and declare this my Last will and Testament in manner and form following Revoking & Annulling by these Presents all and Every Testament & Testaments will and wills heretofore by mee made and declared Either by word or writing and this is to be taken only for my Last will and Testament and no other
And first I bequeath my soul into the Hands of Allmighty god my maker hopeing that through the meritorious Death and pasion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to Receive free pardon for all my sins and for my body to be Buried in Christian Burial in hopes of assured Resurection and to Inheritt the kingdom of heaven prepared for his Elect and Chosen when it Shall please god to Release my body from these present paines
And first I give unto my son William the sum of Twenty pounds
Itam I give to my son Joseph the sum of Thirty pounds
Itam I give to my son Mathew the house and Nether parler with the Chambers above them as also the Nether part of the homsted Next unto them
Item I give unto my son John the Kitching with all the Buildings above the Entry as also that part of the homsted above them
And Likwise that the said sons John and Mathew after my Death do divide the Rest of the Land to the Pasture Close and pingle Equally between them
Item I give unto my wife Margery the housall goods for her Life and then to despose of them amongst the Three youngest Brethern and while she Liveth to have a peaceble being in the house Whom I make my Excetor with Mathew my youngest son to pay all Legacies only John my son to pay William his Twenty pounds
In wittnes whereof I have set my hand & Seal June the 3d 1721
Robertt Marrott his mark
Lawrance Marratt his mark
Jos. Steel
Margerie Marriott executrix sworn 23 October 1721
July the 13: 1721
An Inmatary then made of the Goods of Roberd Mariat of Chadwell lately deseased
Purs and aparill | 01 | 10 | 00 |
Goods in the house | 01 | 00 | 00 |
Goods in the parler | 01 | 01 | 00 |
Chamber over the parler | 02 | 15 | 00 |
Chamber over the house | 00 | 02 | 06 |
In the deary | 00 | 15 | 00 |
Brew house | 00 | 09 | 00 |
3 Coues | 08 | 10 | 00 |
2 yerlings heafers | 02 | 02 | 00 |
13 Sheep | 01 | 00 | 00 |
2 Swine | 01 | 00 | 00 |
The Crop in the feild | 10 | 00 | 00 |
Goods seen & un seen | 01 | 00 | 00 |
36 | 06 | 06 |
A Prased By us
William Hackett
Jno Watchorn
Jos. Steel