Thomas Marriott of Long Clawson 1632 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1632/40
In the name of god Amen This 19th of Marche in the seaventh yeare of the raygne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of god, of Englande, France, Soctlande [sic], and Irelande, Kinge defender of the faith &c 1631 I Thomas Marriatt of Claxton als Longe Clauston in the Countie of Leceister, husbandman, beinge sicke of bodie, but of good and perfecte memorye (praysed be god) Doe make and ordayne this my laste will and testament, in manner followeinge
Inprimis I give and bequeave my Soule to god that gave it, and my bodie to bee buried in the Church yarde of Claxton aforesaide
Itim I give & bequeave unto my sonne Thomas Marriatt all the Hovell tymber and pales under the hovell that he nowe hath in use, all my Leathers, Fleakes, well Corke and they Impleaments about my well, [word lost in fold] my sonne brought the gallowe tree at my house fire
Itim I give my daughter Anne Marriat Twentie l
Itim I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Marriatt Twentie poundes
Itim I give unto my daughter [word lost in fold] Marriatt Twentie poundes
Itim I give unto my sonne Edward Marriatt twelve pence
Itim I give unto my sonne Henrye Marriatt twelve pence
And my will is that all & everye theis Legacies bee payed within one twelve moneths next after my discease & further my will is, that if one, or towe of my foresaied daughters depart this worlde unmaried, That then, her, or theire portion, or portions shall goe and remayne, to the survivor, or suvivors
The rest of all my moveable goods, unbequeaved, I give and bequeave unto my loveinge wife Marye Marriatt whome I make & ordayne Sole & full executrixe of this my laste will & testament, To see my legacies performed, and my bodie to bee reverently brought to the grounde
Lastely I make my Cosinne Henrye Marriatt, and my sonnes, William and Robert Marriatt Overseers of this my laste will and testament, giving to every of them twelve pence a peece for theire paynes
They witnesses are
Thomas Wright, Scriptor
Dorathye Wright, her marke
A true Inventorye of all the goods and Chattells of Thomas Marriatt of Claxton als longe Clauston in the Countie of Leceister yeoman Taken this 22th of September 1632 By John Faukes and Gabriell Hebbe of Claxton aforesaide husbandmen
Imprimis his purse and apparall | 4l |
Itim a feather bed & three boulsters | 3l |
Itim 9 pillowes | 3s |
Itim 11 Coverleades a Carpet cloth | 7l |
It 7 mattresses | 3l 10s |
Itim five blankets, 4 boulsters, 10 Quushions 11 yardes of wollen cloth | 4l 3s 6d |
Itim pillowe beares and napkins | 45s |
Itim Sheets, & a webbe of hempton | 7l 5s |
Itim for bedsteads and Cofers | 3l 12s |
Itim 2 Tables 2 frames, a Cubberd, Cheares, formes, stooles and settles & other | |
Impleaments of wood | 40s |
Itim in the kitchin, a lead, a troughe, & planckes, 4 Barells | 40s |
Itim for woole & wheeles, cardes and weights | 4l |
Itim ould Corne in the Chamber | 25s |
Itim Sackes and a steppe | 5s |
Itim for Bacon & whitmeat | 3l |
Itim Oxe teams, a whip Sawe & oulde Iron | 10s |
Itim brasse in pots & panns | 3l |
Itim a peare of Querns, a tallowe prasse, milke vessells, wimbles, Hatchetts | 20s |
Itim a Steepe fatt & 3 hookes and other Impleaments | 11s |
Itim plough Tymber, hovell and Hovell tymber, a weane bodies & three Sheepe Cribbs | |
and other Impleaments of wood | 20s |
Itim Croppe feilde and towne | 26l |
Itim fleakes, & pales, a well crubbe, & horse troughe, a grindle stone … payles, the dunge hill | 50s |
Itim beasts and Sheepe | 31l |
Itim Swyne and pullen | 24s |
Itim money oweing unto him | 51l 12s |
Itim pueter, a Chafeinge dish & towe brasse Candlestickes, and a morter | 44s |
Itim Lynnen and woollen yarne | 8s |
Itim the fire Iron, gallowe tree, Spitte & Cobberds, and other Impleaments of Iron about the | |
fire | 12s |
Itim Coales & 1 Harrowe | 24s |
Itim thinges forgotten | 2s 6d |
The whole sume is 171l 11s |
They prayser names
John Faukes his marke
Gabriell Hebb
Probate 3 October 1632