William Marriott of Long Clawson 1565 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1565/38 and also PR/I/256
In the name of god amen in the yeare of oure lorde god mdlxii and in the xxvi daye of September wytnessethe that I Wyllyam Maryet of Claxton husbandman being syke in body and of good and perfecte remembrance doe ordene and make thys my last wyll and testament in maner & forme herafter folowinge
Fyrst I bequethe my sole to almyghtie god my maker and redemer and my body to be buryed in the churche of Claxton my paryshe churche
It I bequethe to the mother churche of Lyncolne viiid
It I bequethe to my curate for all my tythes by me neclygently omitted and forgotten viiid
It I bequethe to Wyllyam Collington one cowe calfe a theve and a hogge lambe
It I bequethe to Allis Gryne a browne quye too shype and too puter platters wythe the second brasse potte
It I beqethe to Margery Howe a bushell of meale and a bushell of maulte
It I bequethe to John Howe xiid
It I bequethe to my sonne Jhon Maryetts chylderin amongeste them too shype
It I bequethe to my sonne Henry Hollts chylderin amongest them too shype
It I bequethe to my sonne Edmund Gryne a stryke of pease and a stryke of mawlte
It I wyll that my sune Willyam Maryet to feche my dowghter Emmot Collington every yeare a lode of colles so longe as she kepethe hyr wydo and dwellethe in Claxton my sunne Wyllyam paying for them & the 4d help him in laboure nedefull
It I bequethe to Henry Collington a lambe hogge
It I bequethe to the pore folke of Claxton to every one of them a peny worthe of breade
Item I bequethe to Robarde Maryet iiiid
It I bequethe to Jone Large [?] iiiid
It I bequethe to every one of my god chylderin iiiid
It I bequethe all my goodds and landes unbequethed to Wyllyam Maryet my sonne
It I ordene and mayke Wyllyam Maryett my sone full executor of thys my Last wyll and testement
It I wyll that Syr Chrystofer Goodwyn vicar and Robarde Mowre to be my Supviors and overseers of thys my laste wylle and testament and every one of them to have for ther payns xiid
It I bequthe to Kettylbe churche a bushell of weate
It to Holwell capell a stryke of weate
Thes wytnessus Rycharde Hicklinge Hughe Stanwege Robarde Hocherbye John … wythe other mo
Marginal note in probate copy at PR/I/256
Sina Inventary xxiii li vid
Probate 1 June 1565