William Marriott of Long Clawson 1585 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1585/72
In the name of god Amen the xxviith daye of Februarye in the xxvii yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne ladye Elizabeth Quene &c & ao dni 1584 I Willm Maryet of Claxton in the countye of Leicester yeoman being sicke in bodye but of whole & perfect memorye god be thanked do make & ordayne this my last will & testament in maner and fourme following
First I bequeath my soule to Almightye god my maker & redemer not doubting but that he will most mercifullye receive yt And my body to be buryed in the churcheyarde of Claxton aforesaid
Itm I geve to the Parishe Churche of the sayd Claxton iis
Item I geve to Mychaell my sone xxv li of lawfull Englishe money to be payed by fyve pounds yearly untill the whole some thereof be discharged & payed
Itm I geve to Henrye my sone one … fillye & xxx li of like lawfull Englishe money to be payed by fyve pounds yearlye untill the whole some thereof be discharged & payed
Itm I geve to Richard my sone xxv li of like lawfull Englishe money to be payed by fyve pounds yearlye untill the whole some thereof be discharged and payed & the first payment to be made at thend of his apprenticshippe
Itm I geve to Edwarde my sone a litle fole & xxv li of like lawfull Englishe money when he shall come to thage of xxitie yeares
Itm I geve to John my sone one red pyde cowe that I bought at Newarke & halfe a quarter of wheater & halfe a quarter of barley and this sayd graine yearlye to be payed him during the term of six yeares
Itm I will that Willm Collenton shall have & enioye the house wherein he now dwelleth during his life And yf it please god to call him before his wyfe that then she using her selfe homestlye to have yt during her widowhode the sayd Willm or his wyfe payeing yearlye whyle he or she shall enioye it xiid
Itm I geve to Alice Maryet the daughter of John Maryet diseased one ewe furthermore my will is that yf my sone Thomas departe this life & have no sone of his bodye lawfullye begotten at any tyme before theise legacies be discharged & payed that then the next heyre male to make all suche payments of the sayd legacies that are behind & unpayed
Itm all my debtts & legacies being payed of the whole the rest of all my goods & cattells unbequeathed with my whole farme & all the appurts thearunto appertaining or belonging whatsoever I geve whollye unto Thomas my sone & I make & ordaine the sayd Thomas my sone my full Executor to see this my last will & testament performed & I make Henry Houlte & Thomas Hoe supervisors & to have for their paynes xiid
Theis being witness
Mr John Poole Vicar
Henry Houlte
Thomas Hoe
Probate 8 June 1585