William Marshall of Scalford 1712 will
National Archives PROB 11/529/422
In the Name of God Amen the Twelfth day of July 1712 I William Marshall of Scalford in the County of Leicester Gent being weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (That is to say)
First I bequeath my Soul to God and my Body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named
And as for my worldly Estate I dispose of the same as follows
Imprimis I give and devise immediately after the decease of my Wife Sarah all that Cottage house with the appurtenances scituate standing and being in Scalford aforesaid and now in the occupation of Augustin Burton unto my Kinsman Joseph Bagely junr and to his Heirs subject nevertheless to the payment of ten shillings to the Churchwardens of Scalford aforesaid and to their successors for Ever yearly and in every Year upon Good Friday to be distributed amongst the poorest Widows then inhabiting in Scalford aforesaid by the said Officers by the appointment of the Minister of the said Parish for the time being
Item I give and devise imediately after the decease of my Wife Sarah all that Capitall Messuage house or Tenement with the appurtenances and three Yard Land thereunto belonging now in the tenure of me the said William Marshall and Thomas Elston And also all that Messuage Farmhouse or Tenement two yard Land and an half thereunto belonging with their and every of their appurtenances scituate and being in Scalford aforesaid and now in the tenure or occupation of Edward Wilford the younger to the uses intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned (That is to say)
To the use and behoof of my Kinsman Joseph Bagely junr for and during the Term of his naturall Life and from and after his decease then to the use and behoof of the heirs Males of his Body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such issue then to the use and behoof of the right Heirs Males of me the said William Marshall for ever
Item I give and devise all that late Erected Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances and two Closes or grounds inclosed thereunto adjoining commonly called the Red Ground containing by estimation One hundred and Twenty Acres more or less now in the possession of me the said William Marshall and Robert Pallat lying and being within the Feilds liberties and precincts of Goadby Lordship in the said County of Leicester unto my Nephew John Charlton and to his Heirs and assigns for Ever Subject nevertheless to the payment of Fifty pounds apeice to my Sister Bagelises two Children Hannah and Sarah within three years next after my decease and also what money is due upon the said Land by way of Mortgage And my Will and mind is and I do hereby charge my said Lands so given as aforesaid to my Nephew Charlton with the payment of the said Fifty pounds apeice to my Sister Bagelises two Children as aforesaid and for want of issue lawfully to be begotten by my Nephew Charlton then to my Kinsman Joseph Bagely junr his Heirs and assignes for ever
Item I give and devise after the decease of my Wife Sarah all those other Closes or ground inclosed lying and being in the Feilds of Goadby aforesaid and now in the tenure of me the said William Marshall and Robert Pallat to my Nephew Charlton for and during the term of his natural Life and from and after his decease to the heirs Males of his Body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such issue to my Kinsman Joseph Bagely junr for and during the term of his natural Life and from and after his decease to the Heirs Males of his Body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such issue to the right heirs of me the said William Marshall for ever
Item I give and devise after the decease of my Wife Sarah all that Close of Mead or Pasture ground commonly called the would Close or Fifteen Acre close lying and being within the Feilds Liberties and precincts of Wartnaby in the said County of Leicester now in the tenure or occupation of Richard Fawkes unto William Marshall the Younger of Orston in the County of Nottingham Son and heir apparent of William Marshall of Orson aforesaid Yeoman for and during the Term of his natural Life And from and after his decease to the use and behoof of the heirs Males of his Body Lawfully to be begotten And for want of such issue to my Kinsman Joseph Bagely junr for and during the term of his naturall Life and from and after his decease to the heirs Males of his Body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such issue to the right Heirs of me the said William Marshal for ever and to and for none other use intent or purpose whatsoever
Item I give and bequeath unto my Wife Sarah the use of all my Plate and household goods of what kind soever for her Life and from and after her decease I give and bequeath all my said Plate and household goods to my Kinsman Joseph Bagely junr Hannah and Sarah Bagely Children of my Sister Bagely to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike
And my further Will is that an Inventary be taken of my aforesaid Plate and household goods within one Week after my decease and that no wilfull hurt be made of my said Plate and household goods by my Wife Sarah
Item all the rest of my Goods chattles cattle and personal Estate whatsoever my debts Legacies and Funeral expences being first paid and discharged I give unto my loving Wife Sarah whom I make full and sole Executrix of this my Will hereby revoking all former Wills by me made
In Witness whereof I the said William Marshall the Testator to this my Will containing two sheets of paper have sett my hand and Seal the day and year first above written
William Marshall
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said William Marshall the Testator for and as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who subscribed our Names as Witnesses in his presence
Esther Falkener
Rob: Goodall
Probate London 26 November 1712 to Sarah Marshall relict