Mason John 1729 of Eaton Will

John Mason of Eaton 1729 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1729

In the name of God Amen I John Mason of Eaton in the County of Leicester Cordwainder being in good health of body, and of sound and perfect mind and memory, praise be therefore given to Almighty God, do make and ordain this my present last Will & Testament, in manner and form following, (that is to say)

First and principally I commend my Soule into the Hands of Almighty God, hoping through the Merits, death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ, to have full and free Pardon and forgiveness of all my Sins, and to inherit everlasting Life

And my Body I commit to the Earth to be buryed at the discretion of my Executor and Executrix hereafter named

And as touching the disposition of all such Temporal Estate, as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me, I give and dispose thereof as followeth

First, I will, that my Debts and funeral charges shall be paid

All the rest and residue of my Personal Estate Goods and Chattles whatsoever I do give unto Mary Mason my beloved Wife and to Thomas Mason my Son full and Sole Executor and Executrix of this my last will and Testament

And I do hereby revoke, disanul and make void all former Wills & Testaments by me heretofore made

In Witness whereof I the said John Mason to this my last Will and Testament have set my Hand and Seal the Twenty third day of Aprill 1724

                                                                                                                John Mason his marke


Tho Blankly

Bridget Blanckley her marke

Jos: Gleaves

Executrix and executor sworn 30 September 1729